Friday, February 29, 2008
Lunar Eclipse
10,000 BC
So, despite the fact that it just looks damn cool, I remain very skeptical and my gut tells me it will be nearly unwatchable.
Freak Out
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Fomer Mariners In The News
Eyeball Tattoos
My favorite part of the article was that everyone involved insists that Pauly won't go blind as a result. I have my doubts though.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
NFL News
What way overshadowed the combine news though was the rumor that I heard on the radio on the way home from work. The guys on KISW were reporting that Randy Moss has reportedly signed with the Dallas Cowboys. That's not right at all. I'm not sure, however, how long he and T.O. can occupy the same field without self destructing. Here's hoping that the rumors are false.
Dog Shoes
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Bellevue Square
Second, of the remaining shops, I have little to no interest in any of them. Seriously, how can an oil and vinegar shop stay in business? And how can a shop that sells nothing but candles turn a profit? It's inconceivable.
Third, about half the women there seem to have adopted the high heels with jeans style. It looks a little strange to me, especially since a lot of the young women look awkward walking in heels. I'm ready to see the end of that style.
Finally, it may have just been that particular day, but there were a lot of attractive Asian women there. That's the one thing that might persuade me to return.
Anyway, I was there to go see Jumper. Not much of a plot to speak of, it was kind of a conglomeration of several recent films. There was nothing original in it. The special effects were ok, but nothing, well, special. The ending was very abrupt and unsatisfying, but Samuel L Jackson did play a pretty good villain despite having the worst looking haircut since Dennis Rodman. His hair was white. Not blonde, white.
The bigger problem than the movie, however, was that apparently some 9th grade class was there on a field trip or something. About 15 or so annoying kids, mostly giggling girls, were sitting close to me. Not only could they not stay quiet or sit still, but apparently they also were unable to refrain from text messaging each other during the film. And every time one of them pulled out her phone, it was like turning on a flashlight.
So the lessons learned on the night were: stay away from the mall, wait for Jumper to come out on DVD, and come to think of it, wait for DVD on all movies. Theaters are simply intolerable anymore.
Apparently I wasn't paying close enough attention to last week's season finale of Monk, as it turned out to be part 1 of a 2 part episode. This week we had the conclusion of the episode and I couldn't be happier that I don't have to wait until next year to find out what happened. No, Adrian Monk didn't die, as I'm sure you were all aware. Next season would have been a little difficult to write if he had died. We did take one small step closer to finding out who killed his wife Trudy. All in all a good solid episode and I can't wait for next season.
Sure, I loved the toys and cartoon as a kid, and I even enjoyed last year's blockbuster film, but this is carrying things a little too far if you ask me. And if that wasn't enough for you, enjoy this video at no extra charge.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Franchise Tag
You're so hot I want to get you alone
You're so hot I want to get you stoned
You're so hot I don't want to be your friend
I want to f*** you like I'm never going to see you again
Somehow after that, a song title "Amen" comes across a more than a little inauthentic, not to mention somewhat offensive. I hate Kid Rock. The guy is a horrible musician not to mention a complete ass.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Kill Me Elmo
Seahawks News
I was also happy to see that the Seahawks slapped the franchise tag on Marcus Trufant. I wasn't relishing the prospect of a pourous pass defense while we tried to break in another corner. I guess this means we only signed Josh Brown to a 1 year deal last year, once again making him a free agent. I'm a little surprised I haven't heard anything about him during all this, and I don't know what's to become of him now.
I'm also still anxiously awaiting the news that we've signed Alge Crumpler. Even though he had the worst season of his career last year, he was still more productive than all of our tight ends combined.
And I guess it says a lot about my confidence in the Mariners that with spring training right around the corner, I'm still more interested in the Seahawks off season moves and the upcoming draft. I know I've said it already, but I'll say it again. We're going to draft Rashard Mendenhall.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Dream Theater Greatest Hit
I urge all of you to pick up a copy. Even if you don't like good music, it will be good for your soul to listen to it. And God forbid there are still some of you out there who have not yet heard Dream Theater's music, check out some of the videos on their web site. I recommend Forsaken and Dark Eternal Night. It will change your life.
Castro Assassination Plots
Lunar Eclipse
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Next, the email scanner also is a system hog, but at least doesn't take nearly as long. The one thing that really pisses me off is that it will ocassionally scan an outgoing message, give me some cryptic error message that it couldn't be sent, and tell me to try re-sending the message, but deletes the email. Since I don't save copies of sent messages, that means retyping the entire email. Sure I could alleviate this problem by changing my settings to save outgoing mail, but then I would periodically be required to go in and deleted all the saved messages, which would be an entirely new annoyance.
Thirdly, it schedules a virus scan for every Friday. I have the option to change the day, and probably should one of these days, but I don't have the option to change the frequency. I don't think that a weekly virus scan is really necessary. I think I could very well get by with bi-weekly, or probably even monthly since it has never found a virus. And like everything else MacAfee does, it criples my system when the virus scan is running. And since it takes 3 or 4 hours to complete, it's a major inconvenience.
I guess my only other alternative that I'm aware of is Microsoft Onecare. Has anyone used that or know anything about it? I know that unlike MacAfee, it's not free. Or is the real solution that I just have to fork over enough dough for a new PC? It's starting to wear on me.
The Mission
Oil Prices
And as long as I'm already a little agitated, when is google going to fix their damn spell checker? I shouldn't have to proof read my own writing, that's ridiculous.
If you haven't watched the season finale and are planning to, don't read any further.
I watched the season finale of Monk this weekend, and wow, what a cliff hanger. Is Adrian Monk dead? My first thought was that it was all staged, but I can't imagine him voluntarily falling into a river. But would he be willing to do that in order to find out who murdered Trudy? Of course, if it was a set up, then Captain Stottlemeyer would have been in on it, but he seemed shocked at the events that transpired. Is he a good enough actor to sell that to the rest of the police that were there? I can't believe I have to wait until next season to get to the bottom of this.
Good Bye Fidel
My first thought was whether or not we would lift the embargo, but according to the article, the current administration will not do that until some political reforms are made. My gut feeling tells me that we will be seeing some changes in the coming years and it won't be long until Cuban cigars are available again. And then after an initial boom, most cigar smoking Americans will realize that they still prefer Dominican cigars.
I do think it will eventually turn into a great vacation destination. I'd go there. Warm weather, nice beaches, good food, baseball games to watch, what more could you want?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Alge Crumpler
With the addition of Wahle, and hopefully Rashard Mendenhall in the draft, the offense would officially be unstoppable again. I've got to get Ruskell on the speed dial and tell him to push this deal through ASAP.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Futurama Math
The Exploding Detective
Anyway, the story is told from the first person, it's entirely Frank relating his adventures to you. He's not very bright, and despite the name, he's not very tough either, and so he always has trouble drumming up business. In this book he purchases a jet pack from the back of a comic book and changes the name on all his business cards to "The Flying Detective" thinking that more people would hire him since he can solve their cases faster. Unfortunately he doesn't really know how to fly and ends up crashing a lot. Because of this the tabloids dub him "The Exploding Detective", possibly a more fitting name.
Well, without giving away too much of the plot, a supervillain has begun menacing the city and after crashing in the middle of one of his heists and inadvertantly foiling it, Frank becomes a hero in the city and is hired by the mayor and chief of police to help fight crime and the supervillain. That's when the story starts getting a little wackier. There is time travel, doomsday devices, Abraham Lincoln clones, Napolean clones, and British super spies.
And honestly, the book is just kind of so-so. It had it's moments, but it wasn't as funny as I'd hoped. But since it's only about 140 pages, it's a quick read and never drags or gets boring. There is enough comedy in it to make it worthwhile. And just to give you a small taste of what to expect, here is one of the parts that struck me as particularly amusing: "So my career as the flying detective was over. And it was only chapter five. It was with a trace of sadness that I packed away my costume, my extra pairs of underwear, and my junior grappling hooks. They were useless now, except for whatever historical importance they might have." But fear not, the story does not end in chapter five, it continues on.
Including The Time Machine Did It, which also involved time travel, I've now read 2 of the books about Frank Burly. I think I liked The Exploding Detective better, but since The Time Machine Did It introduced Frank Burly, you might be better off starting with that one so you have some background on the character before reading any of the others. I'm also planning on reading the other book featuring Frank - How I Conquered Your Planet - but the library doesn't have a copy of that so I don't know where I'm going to find it. I'm thinking about reading Swartzwelder's other book too - Double Wonderful - even though it is unrelated to the other 3. If you've got a copy of either of those, please loan it to me.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
New Hair
In honor of the new hair, I would recommend that you all go listen to the song New Hair by Goodness. This particular version was recorded live in Bob's garage. If you haven't heard Goodness before, you're in for a real treat. And I know I've got a reputation for listenening to some pretty hard rock, but Goodness isn't hard rock. Rock, yes, but hard, no. There are also several other quality recordings there that I could recommend, but for now I'll let you peruse them on your own.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Just In Time For Valentine's Day
More On Jericho
The basic synopsis is this:
The storyline revolves around the residents of Jericho, a small, rural Kansas town, in the aftermath of nuclear attacks on twenty-three major cities in the contiguous United States. The series begins with a visible nuclear detonation of unknown origin over nearby Denver, Colorado, and a loss of power and modern communications, effectively isolating Jericho. Later, power is restored to Jericho by what is alluded to as the efforts of the U.S. government, but soon after, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) disables all electronics. Several themes regularly addressed in the show are gathering of information, community identity, public order, limited resources, the value of family, and internal and external threats. The show also features several mysteries involving the backgrounds of major characters, the perpetrators of the attack, and the extent of damage to the United States and its government.
The pivotal character in this story is Jake Green, the 32-year-old son of Mayor Johnston Green, who briefly returns home to visit his family and friends before becoming stranded as a result of the catastrophe. After a somewhat awkward return home and a tense reunion with his father, Jake steps up to become a leader in Jericho, fighting to protect the town and its citizens. As the people of Jericho struggle to survive in a changed world, most remain unaware that one of the newest residents, Robert Hawkins, knows much more about the attacks than he lets on.
Yes, that was shamelessly stolen from Wikipedia, but it was a lot easier than summarizing it myself.
I think this show has a lot of potential. There are a lot of interesting plot lines, but at times it tends to lean a little too much toward over dramatic soap opera-ish drivel, but so far the interesting parts are winning out.
New Music
Tantric was absolutely blown out of the water by the new Sevendust song though. I know you're probably all tired of hearing about Sevendust by now, but there is just one word to describe Prodigal Son and that word is awesome. Like a lot of their best tunes, this one is both heavy as hell, and yet quite melodic at the same time. And some nice harmonies are thrown in for good measure. I'm reminded of the famous quote from Mike Portnoy, "balls and chunk are where it's at." And trust me, this song has balls and chunk. I now officially can't wait until the new album hits on April 1. I think this band has a unique sound and I really dig it. If you only listen to one song this year, make sure it's this one.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Land of Confusion
DVD Bonus Features
But I digress, my point is that some of these features I could do away with right now. At the top of that list would have to be the gag reel/blooper real. Seeing actors flub lines doesn't really entertain me anymore. Sure, there is the occasional humorous ad lib that doesn't make it into the film, but that is pretty rare.
Commentary tracks: The quality of commentaries varies wildly. Some are very interesting. Some are terrible. For example, the Simpson's commentaries are very entertaining. You get to hear about some of the inside jokes, some of the things that were cut or changed, inside information about production and animation, plus a whole lot more. On the other side of the fence was the Conan the Barbarian commentary. I like Arnold Schwartzenegger as much as the next guy, but 2 hours of he and John Milius saying, "oh yeah, I remember that" is not entertaining. But I vote to keep commentary tracks.
Deleted/alternate scenes: one of my favorite features, these have to stay. Usually it turns out there was a good reason that the scene was deleted, but a lot of times some really good scenes get cut for time or pacing. These have to stay.
Featurettes: These are really a mixed bag. It seems like most of the behind the scenes and making of featurettes usually aren't that interesting. Some of the featurettes that give you more in depth information about the story or characters are interesting. As an example, From Hell had a very interesting featurette about Jack the Ripper, with different theories over the years of people who thought he was. More thought should be put into featurettes if they want to keep those.
I could do without any of the following features: trailers - either for the movie on the DVD or other movies, storyboards, scripts, still photos, artwork and concept designs, or music videos.
I've tried to come up with some other special features that I haven't seen on a DVD that might be good, but couldn't come up with anything. I'll keep you updated if I do think of any.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Mariners Pitching
The acquisition that really intrigues me, however, is R.A Dickey. I know that most people don't get too excited about 33 year old pitcher who's missing his ulnar collateral ligament, but he seems to have honed his knuckleball. The Mariners picked him up in the rule 5 draft after posting a 13-6 record in AAA Nashville and bing named Pacific Coast League pitcher of the year. If he truly has dialed in his knuckler, he could really be a productive member of the Mariner's pitching staff.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
New Redskins Coach
Friday, February 08, 2008
Jericho Marathon
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Rock of Love
I saw some clips of upcoming episodes, and it looks like they have some stupid, half thought out competitions planned in order to help Brett decide which woman is for him. Apparently everyone involved has to check their dignity at the door. It seems that a prerequisite for reality shows is a certain degree of desperation. Perhaps the whole draw of reality shows is that people feel better about themselves.
Is this really what we've come to? A half hour of tramps throwing themselves at an aging has been? I really can't believe a show like this can make it on the air, and if this writers strike isn't resolved soon, I think we can only expect more programming like this.
Quick Political Commentary
Maybe I'm the only one, but I found this a little disturbing. Are there really voters out there who's only concern when selecting a president is race? Doesn't it matter where he stands on any of the issues? I guess they just balance out all the white supremacists who do the same thing and it doesn't end up making any difference. Still, I would hope that everyone would put a little more scrutiny into their selection process.
Moving on, I find myself surprised at John McCain's success. I like him on some levels, but I really thought that his repeated statements regarding extending the war in Iraq indefinitely had rendered him un-electable. Granted, none of the Republican candidates is very intriguing, but I really think McCain is going to get blown out by either Obama or Clinton.
Jury Duty - Day 3
If I have been unclear on this point so far, let me just restate just how boring jury duty is. Maybe it's interesting if you are selected for a jury, but I've never made it that far so I don't know. The process leading up to it, however, is mind numbing.
Today was another DUI. Still not Warren Moon. The prosecuting attorney today was the same as yesterday. I got to answer roughly the same questions again. The defense attorney this time reminded me of the public defender from My Cousin Vinny. There were long pauses while he tried to think of what questions to ask, or possible how to phrase them. He stammered a bit and seemed very nervous. His hands were trembling. His poor client is screwed. This story may be running tomorrow with the names changed...
I'm more than a little surprised at how difficult it is for some people to follow directions. The prosecuting attorney said that there was no breathalyzer administered and asked if anyone would be unable to convict without knowing the blood alcohol level. Seems like a simple enough question to me. There were a couple of questions, however, before the judge laid the smackdown and said it was a yes or no question. One stupid, or perhaps simply argumentative old geezer wouldn't accept that though. It went kind of like this:
Geezer: Why didn't he take a breathalyzer?
Judge: We are not going to get into that right now. The question now is whether or not you absolutely need to know his blood alcohol level in order to reach a verdict.
Geezer: Did he take a field sobriety test?
Judge: Again, we are not going to get into that right now.
Geezer: I thought that you could refuse to ....
Judge (now getting visibly agitated): I'm going to have to stop you right there. As I've said, we aren't going to get into that right now. The only question you have to answer is if you are able to reach a verdict without knowing the blood alcohol level.
I don't know if this is common in jury selection or not, but I was ready to reach over and "dismiss" that juror myself.
The other thing that irritated me was that the defense attorney kept asking people the same question over and over, only slightly rephrased. I had to answer three versions of the same question:
Defender: Do you understand that my client is innocent until proven guilty?
Me: Yes, I understand completely (having heard him go through this with a couple people prior to me, I hoped that elaborating on a simple yes might derail the further questioning, but no)
Defender: Do you just intellectually understand that, or are you able to set aside any preconceptions you might have and judge my client without bias?
Me: Yes I understand intellectually, and yes I will be unbiased.
Defender: Do you understand that just being charged doesn't mean my client is guilty?
Me: Yes.
At this point I think he began to sense my irritation and moved on. I don't know if he thought if he asked me enough times I'd eventually slip up or not, but I was just a question or 2 away from just saying yes, I get it, move on to the next question.
One more day of this and I'm free.
I have to think that the only reason an anti trust suit hasn't been filed against Apple yet is because they don't have enough market share for people to care. If they put as much effort and resources into innovation as they do into finding ways to limit third party peripherals and software, it would be amazing what they could come up with. And I guess eventually I'll probably end up getting pushed into the Linux/Firefox corner as MS continually attempts to adopt Apple's restrictive techniques.
In addition, for your enjoyment, here are some of the other things I hate about Apple:
Their marketing. Those "I'm a PC, and I'm a Mac" commercials are so stupid that I actually get angry when I see them. And I do feel the urge to physically abuse people who actually find that crap amusing. I assume it's the same crowd that keeps the Wayans brothers in business.
The stupid product names. I don't know why they slap an "i" in front of all of their products, but it's annoying. Prepare yourself for the future release of the iCar, the iPants, the iRifle, and possibly even some sort of iBirth Control. The last one may not be necessary for the vast majority of Apple fanatics.

I hate that all of their products look like toys. Everything is brightly colored molded plastic that looks like it's designed for junior high kids. I will admit that the iphone and some of the ipods don't look bad, but I really don't want computer hardware and peripherals that look like they were designed by Fisher Price. Every time I see and imac I think it looks like a "my first computer" toy. Kind of like the goofy looking toy phones for kids to play with. This is what the vast majority of Apple products look like to me.
Anyway, that's enough ranting for now. I'll have to direct my venom elswhere for the remainder of the day.
The Power of Photoshop
Seen it? Good, now if you know anybody really good at photoshop, send them my way so he or she can make me look like Brad Pitt before I sign up for any online dating services.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Arrested Development: The Movie?
Even though it's still in the early stages, I hope it pans out. I don't think the cast is involved in anything else right now, so as soon as the writers strike is over, they can get working on it. I recommend getting caught up as soon as possible. If this clip doesn't get you excited, nothing will.
Watch episodes online now!
Good And Bad News
My friend Willie's death isn't too much of a surprise, he was in his late 70's and has had health problems for several years. But he was a very nice man and I will really miss him. I've met his wife and 2 of his 3 kids, and they are all very nice people and my heart goes out to them right now. And so it is with a heavy heart that I say good bye to Willie, I'll miss you my friend.
Jury Duty - Day 2
On the docket today was a DUI. Let me just say at this point that jury selection is an exceptionally boring and tedious process. I found some of the questions by the attorneys to be rather strange. The prosecuting attorney asked everyone what their favorite tv show was. One pompous poser said he doesn't watch tv. He only listens to NPR. He was not selected. The defense attorney asked everyone about their job, or if they were retired or unemployed, what they used to do or what their spouse did. I have no idea what any of that has to do with qualifications for judging a DUI case.
I'm not sure why, but the prosecuting attorney kept looking at me. Every time I looked over at me she was eying me. The only plausible theory I can come up with is that she was uncontrollably attracted to me. Nothing else makes any sense.
I am happy to say that my streak of being dismissed remains intact. There were no dismissals for cause, and the jurors were selected behind closed doors, so I have no idea why they picked who they did. What I do know is that the 6 jurors selected were from the first 10 people in our pool of 20. So as long as I can hold onto the coveted #19, I think chances are good that I won't be selected at all this week.
I got out of there at about 11:00 today. Not bad for a day's work. Jury duty was always a nuisance before, but then again, I have had jobs that paid by the hour every other time I've been summoned, so jury duty meant I didn't get paid that day. Now that I'm salary and get paid anyway, it's not so bad. Sure I'm going to have a ton of work on Monday, but a week of half days makes it all worthwhile.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Seahawks Hire New Head Coach
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
If you haven't seen the trailers for Prince Caspian yet, check it out immediately. It looks great. The kids are a little older and appear a lot less annoying. That was my biggest problem with The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. It appears that, and I hope I'm right, that like the Harry Potter movies, each successive one is more adult than the previous one. No wait, adult isn't really the word I'm looking for. I'll go with more mature. Yes, I think that's acceptable.
Anyhow, check it out for yourself, you'll see. It comes out in May and it will be the movie event of the season.
On an unrelated topic, the spellchecker is busted for some reason, so if you see any typos, sorry. Man was not meant to have to check his own spelling. It's barbaric.
Top 5 List
1. Yes, this is a count up, not a count down. And I'm starting out with Jet City Woman by local heroes Queensryche. I love the band and I love the song. I would also accept Eyes of a Stranger as a substitution, just get me some 'Ryche.
2. Paradise City - G 'n R. A classic and one of my all time favorie songs. I could go on and on for at least 2 sentences about how much I love this song.
3. Too Close To Hate - Sevendust. My love of Sevendust is (or at least should be) well known by now. And this heavy as hell, yet still melodic piece would be perfect for a plastic guitar.
4. Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners. Just to throw a curve ball in there, I'd like to see an 80's pop song.
5. Panama - Van Halen. GH II has You Really Got Me, but in needs me more Van Halen. It doesn't get any better than Panama.
Jury Duty - Day 1
I couldn't help noticing that if this was a random cross section of society, I am way better looking than average. Man were there some ugly people there. I think I was the only good looking person in the room.
I found out relatively early on (after sitting around filling out paperwork and watching a video for the first hour) that one of the three cases scheduled today was canceled, so 20 of the 60 jurors would get to go home for the day. They started calling out names of who had to stay, and I kept my fingers crossed that I would be one of the ones going home early. You guess it, of the 40 people who had to stay, my name was #39 called. Damn, so close.
After sitting around a little while longer waiting for "Judge Jackie" (I wasn't aware that judges who aren't on tv go by their first names, and it honestly seems pretty unprofessional), some dude who's name and job title I don't know came in and announced that one of the attourneys has the flu and has been vomiting and so another trial would be canceled for the day. That means 20 more people get to go home. Luckily I was in that group this time, so 10 am and I'm out the door. And at the sum of $10 a day (which they said hasn't changed since the 50's), I pulled down an hourly wage of $5. That's almost minimum wage right there. I plan on blowing my windfall on coffee.
Other items of interest: I wasn't the only Crawford there. That kind of surprised me. After a quick survey of how many times people have been summoned, it turns out that only 3 of the 60 people have had jury duty more times than I have, despite the fact that I was one of the youngest people there. This further calls into question the proclaimed randomness of jury selection. For the record, this is my 5th time. This was the 6th time for one guy, 7th for another, and one poor lady has now been summoned 15 times. That fact will only temporarily stifle my complaining though.
And though I had a short day, they made it very clear that I am not done. I still have to come in the rest of the week anyway, and may end up serving on more than one jury during the week. I'm still hoping to get Warren Moon's DUI trial. Currently I'm hoping that I can get dismissed early every time by calling for the death penalty for every offense. Shop lifting? Death penalty. Public urination? Death penalty. Paddling the school canoe? You better believe that's a paddling. Sorry, I got sucked into a Simpson's episode there for a moment.
Monday, February 04, 2008
The Power of Complaining
So take it from Dr. Scott - endulge yourself with a vitriolic tyrade today. You'll thank me later.
New Password Day
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Places To See
Machu Picchu is probably at the top of my list. High up in the mountains of Peru, the ruins are absolutely fascinating to me. And while I love ruins, the views there put it over the top for me. Anybody else who wants to go let me know and we can start planning an expedition.
Next up would have to be the Pyramids of Giza. I love Egyptian art and architecture, and since I saw the King Tut exhibit as a kid, Egypt has been another source of fascination to me.
The Great Wall of China comes in third on my list. It's an architectural marvel. I'm sure you're starting to see a trend here.
Without going into too much detail, I'll rattle off the rest of the list without much fanfare. I'd like to see Teotihuacan, Venice, Tikal, Neuschwanstein, Rio, Hawaii, and I think Juan Fernandez Island. Off the coast of Chile, Juan Fernandez is where Alexander Selkirk was stranded for 4 years, later to become the inspiration for the novel Robinson Crusoe.
I've already been to Detroit and Oakland, so I can mark those destinations off my list. And this list isn't comprehensive. I could be talked into going to Vegas, Tokyo, London, Rome, or a variety of other places. I've been to Copenhagen, but would love to go back. If you haven't been to any Scandinavian countries, you really should book your flight. They are loaded with beautiful women. And since American women have abandoned me, I think I've got to get back to Denmark as soon as possible.
I damn near forgot to include Stonehenge in the list. Although I may have to settle for the replica along the Columbia River in Washington. Or maybe Carhenge.
Not Perfect
This has to have been the least hyped Superbowl I've ever seen. And the pregame show was so boring I couldn't watch most of it. Ryan Seacrest? Really? A big thumbs down to Fox for one of the worst coverages I've ever seen. How about something about the game instead of an endless parade of crappy celebrities.
The Giants played some unbelievable defense. Tom Brady looked rattled for most of the game, and they kept Moss in check. They also kept the Patriots from getting any kind of running game going. The MVP hasn't been announced yet, but I think it has to be someone from the D. I would say Strahan or maybe Justin Tuck with his 2 sacks.
While I'm happy that the obnoxious Boston jerks won't get to celebrate, there is a downside to this. We will still have to hear about the 72 Dolphins for years to come. I was really looking forward to shutting them up.
Well, they just announced Eli Manning won the MVP. I figured that would happen since nobody really stood out, but he didn't really play an MVP calibur game I didn' think. I saw him throw more than a couple passes up for grabs that his receivers or tight ends went up and got. I guess when you can't decide, you just give it to the QB.
Here's hoping that many a Boston resident cry's himself to sleep tonight.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Pissing Contest
And in a round about way, that brings me to one of my pet peeves. People who say literally but use it in a figurative sense. Every time I hear something along the lines of, "I was literally bored to death" I want to punch the person saying it. That's unforgivable.
I think that there should be some sort of grammar hit squad. They would roam the countryside administering beatings to whomever committed such atrocities. Putting z's in words (for example, saying something like "fo shizzle") would result in the death penalty. This grammar hit squad will be the primary platform should I ever run for president. Vote Scott.
Good Luck Chuck
I assume it will get high marks from Shelvis though based on the extensive amount of nudity along with the obligatory pot head who is baked out of his gourd in every scene.
I immediately became wary when all of the previews on the DVD were of movies I've never heard of that looked terrible. That's always a bad sign. And since they were almost all starring Dane Cook, and the were all put out by Lions Gate, I think it's time to boycot both.
The movie is just stupid, gross and annoying. Avoid at all costs.
King Of Kong
Now a restaurant owner and hot sauce magnate, not to mention now sporting a super sweet mullet, Billy Mitchell didn't take the loss of his world record well. Initially he disputed the world record, sent some of his goons to Steve Wiebe's house to "examine" his Donkey Kong machine, while Steve was not home, and eventually practiced up in order to reclaim his record.
Not to give up too much of the movie, they swapped records a few more times before the movie was released, in addition to swapping some trash talking. This movie is packed full of conspiracy theories, bad blood, drama, and of course, complete nerds taking video games way too seriously. Add to that the scene which is destined to live on in history as one of the greatest moments in cinematic history - Steve Wiebe trying to break the world record while his very young son screamed at him to stop playing and wipe his butt.
And you can't miss the clip in the middle of the movie of "Mr. Awesome" giving dating tips. Mr. Awesome, by the way, is still upset about his disputed Missle Command world record. Check out his web site here. It's good stuff. Also check out this site with him posing in front of his totally bitchin' Trans Am with his Mr. Awesome vanity plates.
Xbox 360
Friday, February 01, 2008
Today's Words of Inspiration
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinkingso that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously giveother people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our fear,our presence automatically liberates others.
This quote is from Marianne Williamson. I heard it while watching Akeelah and the Bee, which turns out was a pretty good movie. Go watch it.