Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
This is kind of a rare song for Satriani in that he sings in this one. And for as long as I can remember, I've wanted a Chrome Boy. Maybe one day I'll finally add one to my collection. I just did a quick search on ebay and came found one for $11,500, so then again maybe not.
Wacky Laws
4. In Michigan, it is legal to kill a dog for attacking chickens, livestock or people, but you can't snuff the pooch in a high altitude decompression chamber or by electrocution.
5. In West Virginia, anyone who taunts someone who decides not to participate in a duel or who declines to accept a challenge is guilty of a misdemeanor and can be sent to jail for up to six months and fined up to $100.
6. In Kentucky it is illegal to sell, exchange, offer to sell or exchange, display, or possess living baby chicks, ducklings, or other fowl or rabbits that have been dyed or colored. It is also illegal to dye or color baby chicks, ducklings, fowl or rabbits. And unless they are at least two months old, the aforementioned animals must be sold in batches of six.
And the one that I don't consider wacky but actually think is a good idea that should be implemented elsewhere is:
2. Using profanity is against the law on playgrounds and in public parks in Columbia, Md.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Active Park Assist
Ford's new active park assist was officially announced today. By 2012, 90% of Ford vehicles will be able to parallel park themselves. As a man, I obviously have no problem parallel parking and do not need such technology, but for the other half of the population this should be welcome news. All joking aside, I actually heard about this from the Boy (aka my younger brother) about a year ago. I don't remember if he worked on this while working for Ford or if he just knew people that did. I do know that he argued in favor of incorporating the blind spot monitoring and luckily that has been included. Also interesting is that according to this article, they will be switching from a traditional hydraulic power steering system to an electronic power steering system which should improve fuel economy. Hopefully this will help pull the company out of it's downward spiral and any risk of bankruptcy.
Useless Trivia
Monday, December 29, 2008
The good news is that the office that I decided to go to had multiple attractive blond women working there. Some caused me discomfort, but I don't hold a grudge. At least one is looking forward to seeing me again in 6 months for my next checkup. At the moment, that's the closest thing I have to a girlfriend. That's not the reason I chose this dentist though, just a happy coincidence. This dentist was simply the closest to my house.
Sadly, I can't put off another trip for another decade. I can't help wondering why we have to spend so much time maintaining teeth though. People have lived for eons without dental care, is it our modern diet which wreaks so much havoc on our chompers? That's what I'm going with until I hear different.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We Are The Champions
2008 League Champion!

Clever Team Name
Owner(s): Scott Crawford
Regular Season Record: 6-7
I've already been chastised for not gloating yet, so here goes. After limping into the playoffs with a poor 6-7 record, my boys stepped it up in the playoffs to ensure that the fantasy football league championship trophy will reside on the Crawford mantle (if I had one) for a second consecutive year. Despite some questionable personnel moves on my part, like benching Peyton Manning and his 32 points in favor of Aaron Rogers (who put up a respectable 22 to be fair) because I thought he might be benched early to rest him up for the playoffs, I still managed to knock off the top 2 seeds.
I know what you're thinking, and you're right, 6-7 isn't anything to be proud of, but it was enough to get the job done, and it isn't as bad as it sounds. I finished 2nd in points scored, but had some bad luck finishing 1st in points against. It seemed like everybody had a big game against me. The low point of the season came on October 18th. Needing help at WR, I made the poor decision to accept a trade sending John Carlson and the Titans D (#1 D in the league) to Kris for Chad "Ocho Cinco" Johnson and the Packers D. I've got Antonio Gates on the roster so I figured Carlson was expendable, but needless to say, Ocho Cinco was a complete bust. And Gates was a little inconsistent so having Carlson on the roster would have helped.
Team MVP award goes to Michael Turner who was consistent all season. I could always count on him for 25 points. But the free agent pick up that really turned the fortunes of my team was Pierre Thomas. He played some big games down the stretch and I would have been eliminated early if not for him. I picked up as many running backs as I could get my hands on, but most of them were really up and down. Steven Jackson, Larry Johnson, Willis McGahee, and Ryan Grant (who carried me in the playoffs last year) seemed like good ideas, but would just as frequently put up a goose egg as a 25 point game.
I should also note that I finished third (out of 12) in my other league, but I didn't really care about that one. I got talked into that league because they needed an even number of people, and getting stuck with the auto draft picking 10th, it was a struggle to find decent players. But some of the same guys helped me out in that league. People laughed when I picked up Kyle Orton, John Carlson, and Pierre Thomas, but it worked out ok.
Snowball Fight
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Winter Wonderland
On the stroll up to the store, I saw that some people had been sledding down the stairs, effectively turning them into a toboggan run. The only mishap on the journey occurred on the way home when I slipped on said stairs. I broke my chips and some peanut brittle along with them. Of course peanut brittle comes broken, but I did crunch it up a bit more. I'm pretty proud of myself for holding onto my phone and not hanging up during the ordeal. Obviously the camera came through unscathed as well. Stay tuned for more adventures.
Blizzard 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
I Think I Found
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Vegas Part II

One other interesting, or perhaps not so interesting thing I noticed about Vegas is the prevalence of jaywalking. I can't believe people people don't get hit all the time. So many drunk, impatient, or just plain stupid people just step right out into the road without looking or waiting for the signal that I thought for sure some of them would become hood ornaments. It was an interesting study in group dynamics - several people would be standing on the corner waiting for the light to change, but as soon as one idiot started going, a bunch more would follow like lemmings, many of them nearly avoiding getting run over as well. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that though since there are sheep in every city in this country just standing around waiting for somebody to follow, even if it is a moron.
Enough about that though. I have to say what impressed me most was the sheer size and spectacle of some of the hotels. The New York New York was pretty cool - like being on some New York side streets as far as I know. I enjoyed getting a bite to eat there at the ESPNZone restaurant while watching sports. The Bellagio was one of the most opulent places I've ever been, and the fountains out front were captivating. They were even more amazing from atop the Eiffel Tower across the street at the Paris. It is only about 2/3 scale, but the view is still amazing. Caesar's Palace was my favorite though. I could wander through there for hours. The level of detail is unbelievable - statues, and ornate carvings everywhere. The Venetian was pretty fantastic as well. Street performers and gondola rides aren't to be missed.
As much as I love Egyptology, I was really looking forward to seeing the Luxor, but unfortunately it was a little disappointing. There are some cool faux artifacts, but you can see pretty much everything of interest in 10 or 15 minutes. Treasure Island was disappointing as well. It looks pretty cool from the outside, but there isn't anything worth seeing inside.
One thing I still can't understand is how there are so many run down, flea bag motels off the strip. When you can get a cheap room in one of the hotels on the strip, why would anyone stay in one of those dumps? Somebody must because there are dozens of them. One of these days I'll get around to downloading my pictures and posting them.
Monster Magnet
I've been taking a trip down memory lane today musically speaking and came across this awful video that I haven't seen in years. I also haven't heard the song in years and to this day have absolutely no idea what Negasonic Teenage Warhead means. But what struck me about this video isn't any of those things, it's that it was directed by Gore Verbinski (according to one source anyway). Gore went on to direct the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, and according to IMDB is currently slated to direct Bioshock - a great video game but no doubt what will turn out to be a horrible movie. Anyway, that got me thinking about what other directors got their start with music videos and I don't even know where to start looking. It's probably a simple google search to find out, but I'm too lazy even for that.
When you're done with this one, check out Space Lord, filmed in front of the Plaza Hotel & Casino. I just ate lunch there last week! And that reminds me, special thanks go out to Monster Magnet for providing a great nickname for one particular individual who is notorious for spacing out. Rock on.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Vegas Part I
Unfortunately there was a national rodeo in town while I was down there and the city was overrun with inbred hicks wearing cowboy hats and boots and giant belt buckles. Country music was being played pretty much everywhere and when I would go into a casino or shop playing some crappy dance or pop music that I would normally despise, I was so relieved that it wasn't country that I actually welcomed it. Long story short, I'm lucky to have made it back here without having punched a hill billy and had I known that the rodeo was there, I would have rescheduled my trip.
I was really surprised by how much the casinos stunk. It was like being sucker punched right in the nose by a cigarette butt. People were smoking everywhere and it absolutely reeked.
I was also surprised that Vegas seems to be a haven for washed up has beens. When's the last time you heard anything from Bette Midler, Cher, Elton John, Donnie & Marie, Barry Manilow, etc. If it weren't for Vegas, these careers would have been over long ago.
I'm not a gambler, but I did do a little gambling there, but not too much. I plunked a dollar into a nickel slot machine at one of the casinos in old town Vegas - I think the Fitzgerald but don't remember for sure - it was just the first place I found that had slots that would let me put in actual change, pull the handle, and spit out coins when I won. Long story short, I was bored before I lost my dollar. I was planning on playing some quarter slots in the hopes of hitting a $10 jackpot or so and getting a months laundry money but didn't feel like playing any more slots at that point. The only other gambling I did was at the Monte Carlo. They gave me $20 in free play for staying there, but for some reason I had to spend a dollar of my own before I could start using the free play, I'm not sure why. Anyway, after about half an hour of video blackjack I cashed out and walked away with $19.75 in cash. So I ended up +$17.75 for the trip.
Well, that's enough for one day. Stay tuned for more boring stories not filled with excitement or debauchery. I did realize one of my life goals and got my picture taken with a showgirl. I declined the opportunity to get my picture taken with a couple Chippendales though.
Rebecca Stevenson

In completely unrelated news, of all the horrible shows in the vast wasteland that is tv, the show we really need to bring back is Battle of the Network Stars. Quality programming like this just isn't available anymore. Behold, if you will, the drama that unfolds as Robert Conrad and Mr. Kotter settle things like men - by an impromtu foot race. Also, notable appearances are made by a chain smoking, nonsensical Telly Savalis, a young Ron Howard with hair aplenty, Farrah Fawcett, and a beautiful Lynda Carter. I'd forgotten how hot she was back then.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Latest Trend
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Hello Kitty

Saturday, December 13, 2008
First Snowfall of the Winter
I've still got one more week off work, so I'd be happy to see the snow remain for a little while. I have some classes to take in downtown Bellevue, so hopefully the traffic won't be prohibitive, but even if we get a huge dumping, I'll manage.
I've been pretty exhausted and stressed out in recent weeks (and months I guess) and hopefully 2 weeks of vacation will be enough to recharge my batteries somewhat and get my psyche a little more in order. A week in Vegas and a week of insurance classes isn't the most relaxing vacation, but it's better than 2 weeks in the office. At least the first week of vacation has been enough to get me posting again.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Stuck In My Head
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Bacon Today

The Wonderful World of MMA
I don't have much interest in watching fights anyway. Sure they are very talented and highly trained tacticians, but seeing guys beat each other up just seems a little barbaric to me. As if that wasn't enough, the increasing influence of wrestling and ju jitsu make for some incredibly boring fights. Grappling is just not a spectator sport, and as much of a turn on cauliflower ears might be for some, it kind of creeps me out a little. The condom ass ads really don't help build any interest for me. I have a hard time believing that they couldn't find a better place. The front of the shorts comes to mind. Perhaps there's a reason I don't have a job in marketing....
Adding Insult To Injury
The story doesn't mention it, but I do question the events which led to this man's spinal injury and subsequent hospital visit. I suspect foul play may have been involved.
So, should I ever find a woman crazy enough to marry me, then find a second woman willing to give me her phone number, and finally become hospitalized, I sincerely hope that somebody reading this will come to my aid and guard me.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanks to Monday Night Football, I haven't watched the History Channel special yet, so I'm going to have to enjoy it later. Based on past experience, I have high hopes for this as well and am a big advocate of familiarizing yourself with the true account before seeing the Hollywood version. It is no doubt very well done, so be sure to check it out. I have no doubt that it will be airing several more times before the release of the film. Also, be sure to watch this featurette on the upcoming film. It's a large file and may take a few minutes to load so be patient.
This is probably a smart move, actually, buffering his inexperience with people who know what they are doing. It just bothers me that the entire crux of his campaign was b.s. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I don't know that there is a politician in this day and age who doesn't lie his ass off. Maybe I'm an idealist, but I keep hoping that eventually someone will be different. All indications, however, are that I won't see that for at least 4 more years. Where is honest Abe when we need him most? I think I might vote for an honest candidate even if I didn't agree with his politics, just because he was honest.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Chinese Democracy
Gas Prices
Scott's Stock Tip
In other random news, don't miss out on today's Woot off. I recently picked up a $139 blu-ray disc player from Woot and am hoping to find a cheap HD DVD player to have as a backup in case something happens to my current one. What I really want is an LG BH-200 blu-ray/HD DVD combo player, but they are too expensive new, and the ones I've been bidding on at ebay keep getting bid up higher than I want to pay as well. It seems a little unlikely that I'll find one on woot though.
Also, I've been planning to write a review of the new Futurama movie, Bender's Game for over a week now. One of these days I'll actually get around to it. All I will say for now is it's better than the previous 2 movies.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Hard Times
Anyway, long story short, things are going to get worse before they get better and we are in for trouble around here. I've been having trouble finding a decent job as is and a bunch more unemployed people in the area isn't going to help any. Especially since I expect Safeco to lay off a lot of people in early 2009 too. I've received some offers for low paying jobs that aren't something I want to do, but so far that's it. It's only going to get worse I'm afraid. And I just spent about half an hour on Monster so I forgot where I was going with this other than buckle up and I hope you all aren't hit too hard.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The M's Have A New Manager
Godzilla Tree

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I Hate Petros

Petros played fullback for USC and his bias is evident. He clearly has his schools he fawns over and schools he hates. Washington is one of the schools he doesn't like and he constantly makes snide remarks about them, occasionally pausing to express his man-crush on Jake Locker. He mispronounces names on a regular basis, and his analysis is anything but insightful. I've had all I can tolerate of this idiot and he really needs a good solid c*ck punch. It's time to get him off the air.
Banjo Hero
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Saved By Zero
Incidentally, Cy also said that he finds it ironic that the song would be used in an advertisement since the song is about the freedom felt by not having any possessions or attachments to worry about. Truth be told, I had no idea what the song was about, but now that I do, I can appreciate the irony. And so I hope that the irony increases by Toyota being saved by zero - losing all of their business so they don't have anything else to worry about.
Democracy At Work
"If you let the oligarchy return to government then maybe I'll end up sending the tanks of the armoured brigade out to defend the revolutionary government," he said late on Saturday.
It makes me kind of wish we had a leader courageous enough to protect us from ourselves like that. Why isn't W rolling out any tanks to ensure that Dino Rossi is our next governor?
I can only assume that this means he doesn't really care about us. And I'll finish by saying that I believe that Hugo Chavez is unbalanced. Perhaps it's the uncut cocaine that's destroying his brain. Perhaps it's a family history of mental illness. I'm just glad he's safely in another country where he can spout all the anti-US diatribes he pleases and we can have a good chuckle at his expense.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Down Goes Circuit City
Still, Circuit City is planning on closing 155 of it's 700 stores and laying off up to 7,300 employees. On top of all of the people in the mortgage/banking industry who have lost their jobs, it's going to be a lean Christmas for retailers. And since CompUSA just closed their doors about a year ago, I'm beginning to wonder if online retailers are simply driving brick and mortar shops out of business. Fry's and Best Buy seem to be thriving though, so I'm not sure that the others weren't just poorly managed.
Well, I'm pretty sure I had some other good points to make but got distracted and don't remember what they were anymore. I need an assistant.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Spruce Goose

R.I.P. Tuba Man

Tuba Man has been playing outside of sports events for as long as I can remember. I remember seeing him outside the Kingdome as a young kid. He was as much a part of the sports landscape as any fan could be. I never talked to him, but he always seemed like a very friendly and kind man. That just makes this tragedy harder to stomach. I hope that his assailants are caught and quickly brought to justice. And my condolences go out to his family and friends. Rest in peace tuba man.
Useless Election Trivia
Monday, November 03, 2008
Useless Halloween Trivia
What were the first jack-o-lanterns carved from?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Great Debaters
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Talking Baby
Most Overhyped Gadgets
Friday, October 24, 2008
Quote of the Day!
God bless the Simpsons for their ability to distract me from the drudgery of day to day life.
I really don't know how historically accurate it is, but it is an interesting, well made move. It is beautifully filmed, and stylishly it reminded me of Japanese films. It is more deliberately paced than Hollywood films, allowing the viewer to absorb and digest the story.
This is part 1 of a planned trilogy, focusing on his early years. It is more of a love story about him and his wife Borte than you would expect. I guess the intense action films are going to be the sequels. Mongol is emotional and psychological, giving you the back story and motivations behind one of the great military leaders in history.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Engrish Funny
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Legal In San Francisco
For as long as I can remember, I've wondered why prostitution is illegal - it's really a victimless crime. As a matter of fact, it seems to me that it would be safer if it were legal. If brothels were licensed, employees could be tested for drugs and disease regularly, making it safer for everyone. Revenue could be verified by the government and taxes could be collected. Women, many of whom I presume are less fortunate, would be able to verify their income and get loans for cars or homes. It really seems to me that making it illegal creates more problems than it solves.
Even St. Thomas Aquinas spoke out in opposition of legislating against prostitution, describing it as a necessary evil and drawing parallels with prohibition of alcohol. He saw legislating morality in general to be ineffective and said that civil law cannot "forbid all vicious acts" nor can it prescribe "all acts of virtue." Aquinas goes so far as to say that God permits evil to exist and in a similar way human law permits some evil to exist in light of the common good.
My problem with prop K, however, is that it would not go with a regulated brothel system. It will lead to more street walkers, which will more than likely spread disease, violence (from pimps), and drug abuse. I assume that this is merely a first step in legalizing it, but it may backfire in it's current format. I'll be interested to see the result of this proposition, and if it passes, what effect it will have on the city. And if successful, if we will see it spread across the country like the proliferation of casinos in recent years.
New Music
Monday, October 20, 2008
Best Man?
And for the double steal, I'm also yoinking this content from the same site. This is too damn funny not to share though.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Ode To The Doughnut
And for today's completely unrelated useless trivia: Alaska has the highest percentage of people that walk to work. I would have guessed it would be a warmer weather state.
I Need A Job
Evil Has Been Defeated!
Movie Reviews
Next up was The Counterfeiters. It's a German film **subtitles alert** set in WWII. Based on a true story, the Nazis arrested a world class counterfeiter. Being a Jew, the sent him to a concentration camp. While there, he is moved into a secret barracks within the camp and put to work attempting to counterfeit the British pound and the US dollar. The Nazis plan is two fold - use the counterfeit money to finance the war, and cripple both the US and British economies by flooding the market with worthless currency. It's really a devious plan, and a very well made movie. Very good acting and some heart wrenching drama.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Peace in the Middle East
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bill Nighy

Bubba Nosferatu
And from Bubba Ho-Tep come the quote of the day:
"There had been two presidential elections since I'd had a boner like that." - Elvis
Gainfully Employed
The Seahawks also tried to improve themselves by picking up former Seahawks. I'm glad to say that Justin Forsett is now back. I think he's got a promising future ahead of him. He looked great in the preseason and I hope he gets a shot to return some kicks. It's just too bad that he had to come back at the expense of Michael Bumpus.
Finally, nothing makes me happier than seeing the evil Red Sox lose. The Rays beat the hell out of them tonight to take a 3-1 lead in the series. The end is nigh for the evil empire. Go Rays! I can only hope (in vain) that my beloved Dodgers can overcome their 3-1 deficit in their series. I don't think it's going to happen though after seeing them piss away a win last night. That was embarrassing.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Heavy Metal Superworms
The article did not mention, or perhaps it did and I forgot already, how long it takes worms to clean up a toxic waste site, but it's certainly got to be cheaper than sending a team of guys in haz-mat suits out to take care of business. I don't know if they have adapted to radiation or not yet, but I think we need to get a bunch of them out to Hanford and set them loose. Of course this may not be the best idea I've ever had. If science fiction has ever taught me anything, it's that radiation will turn them into even more super mutant worms which will eventually destroy humanity. Regardless, it's a pretty interesting read.
Stock Tips
Once society reaches this state, the strong will take from the weak. With no money remaining to pay a police force, firearms will be the only real currency. At this juncture, the only remaining profitable companies will be the firearms manufacturers, and the ammunition manufacturers too obviously. So grab whatever cash you've got left in your IRA, stockpile enough ammo to make David Koresh proud, build an isolated cabin in the woods, and with whatever remains purchase as many remaining shares of Glock and Walther as you can get your hands on. From there you can comfortably watch the world destroy itself knowing your stash is safe.
The good news is that the NYSE is not open Monday and therefore will not drop any until Tuesday. That gives you one extra day to get your affairs in order.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Green Vehicles

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Be Thankful
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
I've read a little more about him on the internet and found that the film adaptation is rife with inaccuracies. For some, that may destroy the film, particularly since some of the changes don't really aid the dramatic interpretation (for example, he has 3 children in the film, but had 2 in real life), but I think the essence of the story remained intact. It's an incredible struggle of a man who has lost virtually everything. I don't know how I could go on in those circumstances, but Bauby is able to adapt by relying on his imagination. He can simply close his eyes and let his mind take him anywhere in the world.
There were some great performances all around, but due to the subject matter, you have to be in the right mood to sit through it. I found it to be pretty depressing although I don't think the director intended it that way. A large portion of the movie is also shown from Bauby's perspective which ends up being a little unpleasant. The camera is shaky and goes in and out of focus. Also it should be noted that the film is in French so be prepared to read some subtitles. If you can tolerate these things, then you are in for a good story.
It has a similar plot to Dalton Trumbo's Johnny Got His Gun. You may have seen a clip of it in the Metallica video for their song One. I've never seen or been able to find a copy of this movie anywhere, but have been interested in seeing it for a long time. Since I can't find the original, I'm going to have to settle for the remake that is due out soon I guess.
Question of the Day
You hear a lot about what is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but when they invented sliced bread, what did they compare it to? Was it the greatest thing since the wheel? The greatest thing since gunpowder? The greatest thing since cooked meat? Someone must know.
Useless Trivia
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Weather Woes
Saturday, October 04, 2008
How To Destroy The Earth
My personal favorite method is annihilation by antimatter. I think it would make for one hell of a show. Lights, things flying about, basically the greatest 4th of July celebration ever. The one drawback is that it is one of the more implausible methods due to the lack of available antimatter, not to mention the non-existence of any machine capable of hurling it at the earth.
For those of you who think all the described methods are implausible, you're right. However, the one shred of proof available is this report from the BBC (and you thought it would be from a questionable source) that some seismic disturbances are thought to have been caused by the earth being struck by a quark. The likelihood of a large enough amount of quarks striking the earth to destroy it remains low though.
Invented Sports
How many stupid events can they cover before people eventually revolt? I've already seen the world championships of rock, paper, scissors. What's next, the world series of mime? No holds barred hokey pokey? World class staring competitions? At some point this has to stop. I've resisted the urge to send an angry email to ESPN since I know it won't do any good, but there's got to be some solution. In my opinion, the war on drugs was ineffective since it targeted the supply rather than the demand, so perhaps it's time to beat the hell out of the knuckle draggers who watch bicycle jumping and the dimwits who watch professional wrestling. My only request is that when you hospitalize a skateboarder, leave my name out of it.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
I guess the tricky part of the study is their claim that HFCS is no worse for you than refined sugar. Since I personally think that refined sugar is pretty bad for you too, it may not be that far off. Sugar in general should be avoided as much as possible, and the degree of refinement is proportional with it's health detriments.
The number of people in this country who are concerned with their health is probably a fairly small percentage anyway, so it's possible that the only people who care have already been avoiding HFCS and this 'study' will have no impact at all. I'd like to see a study of what percentage of the population reads product labels or cares what's in their food. I will admit to being less diligent than I probably should be. Long story short, avoid HFCS and the white demon (sugar) as much as possible.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Desperate Times
The same paper that brought us the panhandling tutorial also has the strangest assault in recent memory. A 19 year old Wenatchee High School student was arrested after smearing peanut butter on the forehead of a fellow student who is allergic to nuts. Yes I realize how potentially dangerous that is so don't think I'm making fun of people with allergies. And rest assured that the perpetrator is facing a year in prison and a $5000 fine.
The Complete Essay On Cow
He is the cow. The cow is a successful animal. Also he is 4
footed, and because he is female, he gives milks. He is same like God , sacred
to Hindus and useful to man. But he has got four legs together. Two are forward
and two are afterwards. His whole body can be utilized for use. More so the
milk. Milk comes from 4 taps attached to his basement.
What can it do?
Various ghee, butter, cream, curd, why and the condensed milk and so forth. And
he is also useful to cobbler, waterman's and mankind generally. His motion is
slow only because he is of lazy species, and also his gober is much useful to
farmers, plants and trees and is used to make flat cakes, in hand and drying
Cow is the only animal that extricates after eating. Then
afterwards she chew with his teeth whom are situated in the inside of the mouth.
He is incessantly in the meadows in the grass. His only attacking and defending
organ is the horns, specially so when he is got child. This is done by knowing
his head whereby he causes the weapon to be paralleled to the ground of the
earth and instantly proceed with great velocity forewards. He has got tails
also, situated in the backyard, but not like similar animals. It has hairs on
the other end of the other side. This is done to frighten away the flies which
alight on his cohesive body hereupon he gives hit with it.
The palms of
his feet are soft onto the touch. So the grasses head is not crushed. At night
time have poses by looking down on the ground and he shouts. His eyes and nose
are like his other relatives. This is the cow...........
From here, the discussion turned outward (at least from me). I forwarded this to a few other people, hoping to find an answer to the underlying humor that escaped me, and also hoping to halt work in other offices as well. It wasn't until someone finally emailed India to ask them why it was funny that it was revealed that they were having a good laugh at their own difficulties with Engrish. The only person to successfully reach this conclusion unaided was the Mistress of Shenanigans. Kudos.
Job Opportunity
My favorite quote from the article? "We believe the ad was not a credible ad and that it may have been an attempt to get people dressed like the suspect into the area," Monroe police spokeswoman Debbie Willis said. You think? With top notch investigators like this on the case, it's no wonder that even though the suspect is still at large, Debbie still said, "Was it really necessary? Did it help the guy out? I don't think so."
As much as I hate crime and criminals, I can still appreciate a clever crime. Rest assured, if I ever get involved in a heist, it will be hands down the most brilliant scheme ever hatched in the history of crime. The movie about it will star Owen Wilson, the most brilliant actor to ever, uh, star in this movie. The love interest will be played by Eva Mendez. The movie title will be The Craw Fu Connection and will feature an unprecedented amount of pyrotechnics and punches thrown. I can't wait for this movie to be made.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Horror
Whatever happened to Dark Castle Entertainment? They never put out a great movie, but at least they could be counted on to put out a watchable movie like Thirteen Ghosts or the House on Haunted Hill. I guess I spoke too soon. Upon further review, Dark Castle Entertainment is still putting out films, but their recent offerings have been awful. And what has Tim Burton been doing lately? Sure a lot of his movies are a little on the goofy side, but most are watchable.
I guess there are no scary stories left to tell. At this point I'd even take a well done remake or an old timey monster movie. The only Halloween-ish movie I'm at all interested in seeing is the Ricky Gervais/Greg Kinnear opus Ghost Town and that's really a comedy. But it reminds me of the Frighteners a bit and I really enjoyed that. It's tough times for horror fans.
Quote of the Day
Seattle's strange journey at wide receiver caused the team to bring back wayward former first-round pick Koren Robinson -- who, fittingly, strained a quad a day after signing his contract -- and trade a 2009 fifth-round pick to Denver for Keary Colbert. Speaking of Colbert, after watching him for a few days, coach Mike Holmgren told me: "The guy looks fantastic.'' Fantastic? "It's all relative,'' he said. "Right now, he looks like Jerry Rice.''