Petros played fullback for USC and his bias is evident. He clearly has his schools he fawns over and schools he hates. Washington is one of the schools he doesn't like and he constantly makes snide remarks about them, occasionally pausing to express his man-crush on Jake Locker. He mispronounces names on a regular basis, and his analysis is anything but insightful. I've had all I can tolerate of this idiot and he really needs a good solid c*ck punch. It's time to get him off the air.
Ditto. Though, anyone who makes fun of UW is alright with me (sadly that doesn't mean he's good at his job.)
Well, he's got some of that for every PAC-10 team that's not USC. And I found a nice long rant online about how he has disrespected the entire Big-10.
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