I think I hate
Bill Nighy. After seeing him in a couple Underworld movies and a couple Pirates of the Caribbean movies, maybe even something else, I've decided that he's a hammy overactor. The more I see of him, the more he grates on my nerves. Listening to him talk is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Please, for the love of God, all of you movie executives who visit my site, do not cast him in any more films. At the very least, limit him to chick flicks or some other genre I'm not likely to watch.
You're just jealous of his awesome sexiness. Don't be a hater!
Did you ever see him in Love Actually?? It really was the perfect role for him. I don't really like him that much either, but I love how he gets killed in the first Underworld!
Awesomely sexy or not, I still think he's a terrible actor. And I am ashamed to admit that I have seen Love Actually. I hated that movie. I'm afraid I'm too male to enjoy it.
I did see him in some silly vampire movie Pat was watching (something with Kate Beckingsale). He seems to be everywhere these days. However, I have to agree that he was brilliant in Love, Actually. I think maybe he should limit his roles to aging ex-heroin addicts who harbor great passion for their male employees.
What is it with you and horror movies? That "silly vampire movie" was Underworld - a good vampire movie also including werewolves. And after the Army of Darkness incident, I'm really beginning to question your taste in movies.
bill nighy is great actor, man
He still is a fantastic actor, and if you'd ever try films like ''Gideon's Daughter or ''Still crazy'' you'd see. The Hollywood crap is for the money. ... And he seems to be after the money. He became a press whore. So - still a great actor, but slowly but surely turning into an asshole.
He's totally brilliant...and maybe the funniest man on earth.
I would see ANYTHING he's in...just to catch a glimpse.
Check out his tiny role in HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
He's completely amazing.
i began watching his movies only a few short months ago and...he is amazing. his attention to detail on every little line astounds me! the way that he can make the viewer sit up in utter suspence! his roles in poc and underworld are so him! i will admit though he was not bad in love actually in contrast to the awful writing tornado that occured there! But back on track here his role in shaun of the dead was also very him because he is an actor that you love to hate! But thats what makes him so good! in conclusion, he is the best thing to happen to modern cinema and god bless him!
Bill Nighy is a great actor.I hav only seen his acting in underworld and he is amazing. I think is accent is just amazing too.
He is an overactor when needed. There's a fine line. If you'd try to watch some more demanding films like Gideon's Daughter, Notes On A Scandal, you'd find out he's a mighty fine actor. It's a shame he is in those popcorn movies for stupid people. it's pearls before swine.
first of all scot you can never be too man to enjoy love actually. second of all bill nighy is a terrific actor and also does a great job in the movie enduring love with daniel craig.
The more "I" see Bill Nighy, the more amazed I am at his incredible acting diversity
Now he plays in Harry Potter
I totally agree, I can't stand Bill Nighy as an actor. He is so hammy, and he is the same person in every movie. I can't understand all this talk of versatility; it seems the opposite to me.
In fact, I only came across this blog because I googled "Bill Nighy dreadful actor", because I was so desperate to find other people that I could share this loathing with. Thank you.
Amusingly, it seems that the man himself agrees.
He says, "I try to never watch. It takes me so long to get over it and I'm always so downcast. I find it really distressing. Maybe when I'm very old, I'll sit down and watch my earlier work. But it will just depress the hell out of me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
"It's not like I'm some weirdo. You just see how far short it falls from where you might have imagined you were heading. I have a perfectly average skewed perception of myself. We often don't know what we're like. I hope that's the case because otherwise I'll kill myself." »
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