Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pirates 3

I finally got around to watching Pirates #3 this weekend and have some mixed feelings. For starters, it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting based on the reviews I've read and what people have told me about it. Sure it had it's problems, but it was watchable. Yes it was poorly edited (or possibly not edited) and way too long, and yes, the plot made no sense at times. I guess it fell prey to the same pitfalls that got to other quality sequels, most notably the Matrix sequels: whoever was in charge figured they could just throw in a bunch of fancy CG effects, a handful of semi-interesting scenes cobbled together to form a crazy plot, and some way too long action scenes and call it a day.

On the plus side, it did have some fantastic special effects, and tied up at least some of the loose ends from part 2. And the Flying Dutchman was pretty damn cool looking too. I guess I don't have a lot to say about it other than you might as well watch it if you've seen the first two. but if you've only seen the first one, you should probably skip it.

In other news, I'm about 10 minutes into Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. So far I'm not too hopeful that it will turn out very good, although a cute girl who's way too young for me just made an appearance. Hopefully she's a regular. But the acting isn't too impressive and at this point it seems a bit cheesy. A lot of pilots aren't too impressive though, so we'll see.

I did find out that Universal HD (channel 660) is playing Jericho and managed to catch the first 2 episodes and that looks promising. I'll have to watch a few more episodes to really get a feel for it though.

I'm also pretty happy to find that Comcast is now showing full length episodes of a lot of tv shows online. I'll have a lot of trouble staying out from in front of the tv and/or computer now.

Good news, the cute girl turned out to be a terminator sent to protect John Connor so I don't think we've seen the last of her.


The Chuckman said...

You can't properly bash the Matrix sequels without mentioning how long and crappy the bit with 'the Architect' was. I actually don't mind the pasting together of visually awesome (this also explains my love of porn) and fighting, unless there's also some pretentious “God aren’t we smart” boring as hell scene that drags the pace of an otherwise pleasantly mindless sci-fi/action movie to its death. Oh, and that way too long music-video-wannabe celebration scene where they danced. WTF…

Isn’t cute girl the same cute (and way to young for you, but just right for me) from Firefly/Serenity? I think you’ve already scouted out this ‘trappable resource’ (apparently unbeknownst to even you.)

Unknown said...

Ok, first off, the rave of death was one of the stupidest scenes in movie history. I couldn't agree with you more.

And second, I believe you're right on that girl being River Tam as well. I'm not sure how that one snuck past me, but I thought she looked kind of familiar. I'm blaming it on the straight hair. Somehow she looks a lot better as a cyborg than a semi-psychotic, clairvoyant human though.

And just because of that, I had to look her up on IMDB and it turns out that her name is Summer Glau (her parents must have been hippies) and surprisingly enough she was born in July 1981 making her 26. Turns out she's old enough after all! And yet even at that age she played a teenager in Firefly/Serenity and was masquerading as a high school student in Terminator.