Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Producers

Last night I watched The Producers. I only made it about halfway through the movie but still think it may be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I swore I'd never write a review for a movie that I haven't seen all of, but I feel I have to make an exception here. Matthew Broderick looked like he was in pain throughout all of what I saw, but he was in nowhere near as much pain as I was in watching it.

First off, it is a musical starring actors who can neither sing nor dance. That made all the song and dance numbers absolutely excruciating. Imagine if you will, Will Ferrell dressed as a nazi, singing with one of the worst German accents I have ever heard and you start to get the idea. But that's just part of the problem. The songs are very repetitive, horribly written, and way too long.

That leads me to point #2. The crappy song and dance numbers dragged on so long that there was no time for any plot development. I think there was approximately 5 minutes of story in the hour I watched. And that 5 minutes wasn't any good either.

Problem #3 is that this movie is supposed to be a comedy. I didn't laugh, chuckle, snicker, or even crack a smile throughout the whole mess. The jokes they did attempt were very juvenile and/or offensive. If jokes about sleezy broadway producers sleeping with old ladies to con them out of money to finance a flop are your thing, then this is the movie for you.

Finally, the casting was way off. I just didn't feel that any of the actors fit their horribly written roles. But then again, maybe the story was just so bad that no actors could have saved it. Anyway, do yourself a favor and avoid this movie like the plague.

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