Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First day on the job

Today was my first day in my new position. It is a little humbling to go from being respected and knowledgeable, someone that other people come to with questions (at least that's how I saw myself) to being the low man on the totem pole who doesn't know a damn thing. Some of you may have already guessed - I spent about half my day playing in one of the many filing cabinets. As I understand it, I will become very familiar with the filing cabinets in the coming days/weeks/months (hopefully not years). Other than that things went fine. I did get to enjoy having my computer periodically download and install some updates and then reboot since this computer apparently hasn't been turned on in months, but that wasn't entirely unexpected. Hopefully it's done now, and hopefully the biggest concern for me in the coming weeks will be having to annoy people with the volume of questions I'm almost certain to be asking as I learn more things. Good times. Luckily I won't be a newbie forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wait till you learn New Appointments. Moo ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!