Thursday, January 11, 2007

Screwed by the weather. Again.

Well, the big snowstorm got me again. It was just bad enough to make the commute home 2 hours and 45 minutes. Now I'm not going to complain about that because I know a lot of people had it a lot worse, but here's what I will complain about. Somehow, after all that, I ended up with only about an inch and a half of snow in my area. With all of the abandoned vehicles and jack knifed busses I saw on the way home, I assumed I was in for a day off. Not so. Some jerk came along and plowed all the streets in my area and the traffic was fantastic the next morning. All the busses were running on schedule. All this meant that I couldn't just call in to work and go back to sleep. At least all the people that did stay at home made for a fantastic commute home at the end of the day. And at least I didn't lose power this time. But is one day off really asking that much? What good is any of this inclement weather if I don't get to stay home? Maybe next time.

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