Monday, January 15, 2007

Blade Runner

I was looking through my DVDs the other day for a movie to watch when I discovered a copy of Blade Runner. I don't remember buying it or receiving it as a gift. I also don't remember anyone loaning me a copy that I never got around to returning. It is a complete mystery to me where it came from, especially since I don't remember ever watching the whole thing. To the best of my recollection, I have only caught bits and pieces of it on tv. That being said, I have now watched it and highly recommend it. It's not really the futuristic sci-fi action movie I had imagined. That is more of a backdrop for the real story. To me it is more of a thought provoking movie about what constitutes life. Are the replicants really alive? Since we created them, does it give us the right to destroy them? Anyway, it's a good story. The acting is top notch, particularly from Harrison Ford. This movie came out before I'd lost respect for him. That came after seeing Six Days, Seven Nights. He hasn't made a good film since then. But I digress..... This turned out to be a pleasant surprise, but unfortunately I don't see any more movies on my shelf that I didn't know I had.

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