Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Long hair

As most of you already know, I'm not a fan of getting my hair cut. Most of my adult life I have averaged about 2 haircuts a year. Right now I'm just barely past shoulder length due to a relatively recent cut (2 months ago? I'm guessing). Now my reasons for having long hair have nothing to do with rebelling against anything, my fading dreams of being a rock star, or even the fact that long haired dudes are so much cooler than everyone else (scientifically proven fact). No, it all stems from the fact that I just never liked getting my hair cut. As a kid I remember having trouble sitting still for that long, and to this day can't wait for it to be done. And after it's all over, I inevitably have some short pieces of hair down the back of my shirt and around my neck itching me until I can get a shower. I hate that. Add to that the fact that I always look and feel like a dork for about 2 weeks afterward until it grows out enough to start looking halfway normal again. Plus, I save a lot of money on barber bills.

My point to all this? You should all know by now not to expect a point to anything I say. Still, I can't help wondering at what point did long hair become socially unacceptable for men, and why? I can only assume evil. If long hair was good enough for George Washington, Beethoven, and Jesus, why not me? Seriously, did the pharisees and sadducees following Jesus around telling him to get a haircut? Maybe, but I haven't seen the evidence of that happening. Now all of you out there stop being tools of society and stop getting your hair cut.

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