Friday, April 11, 2008

Red Light Cameras

Any illusions I had entertained that there was any safety reason behind red light cameras are now gone. Not only have studies shown that these cameras actually increase the number of accidents, especially rear end collisions as drivers slam on the brakes to stop in time, but even worse, some cities have been caught illegally decreasing the length of yellow lights in order to issue more tickets. So cities are actually sacrificing public safety in order to boost revenues. This is despicable even for public officials whom I don't hold in particularly high regard as is. I don't know what can be done to increase public awareness of this, but some strong pressure needs to be placed on public officials to get rid of these cameras. I'm ready to sign a petition right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I generally agree with you.

However, down here in Oregon red light camera's work miracles in actually making people stop when they're suppose to. For some reason people in Portland have some issue with what red means.....