Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mike Tyson's Punch Out

With my 360 in the shop the last few weeks, I've had to make due with playing an emulated version of Mike Tyson's Punch Out to fulfill my gaming needs. Special thanks to Wayne for finding that and sending me the link. Unfortunately, playing on a screen about 2x2 inches, not to mention with a keyboard, makes it more challenging. Still, the game holds up well after all these years and is still fun to play. The controls are a little slow and unresponsive. I don't remember them being that way in the original, it must be a side effect of the emulation. Because of this, I was unable to make it past Bald Bull. Or maybe I did and didn't get past Piston Honda. Whichever one came later in the game. I'm sure with a little more practice I could make it all the way to Iron Mike, but now that the 360 is back, I won't be playing this much. By the way, if you're going to play, it took me a long time to figure out that the uppercut is accomplished by holding the up arrow and pressing enter. It's awkward, so if you're like me, you'll screw it up a lot.


Anonymous said...

Glad I could save you from that horrific couple of days you didn't have games to play. What a nightmare.

I've played it a few more times since and got all the way to The Sandman, who is two short of Iron Mike. He's kinda like Bald Bull, but quicker. He doesn't do the bull charge at least.

I couldn't get that 1980's games link to open up that you posted, so I don't know if that has Punch Out. But this link is the one I sent you, and it works:'s_Punch*Out!!_(PC10).htm

Anyone else try some old shool gaming?

Anonymous said...

By the way, the last code I got was 777 807 3454. You still have to fight maybe 5 guys to get to Tyson, and you start at the second Piston Honda. Not sure if you have to fight the second Bald Bull. One trick you can use that I somehow remember. Press the space bar between rounds to recover health. You can use it once a match.