I went out for another round of golf this weekend, and there was a slight improvement. I only lost 2 balls this time, and had literally a few good shots. One kind person in the foursome even lent me his $300 Hibore XLS driver for the day. I'll tell you what, I have never hit a ball so far out of bounds as I did with that club. No amount of technology exists that is capable of overcoming my lack of skill. Included for your enjoyments are 4 photos. None of me I'm afraid since I couldn't take a picture of myself and swing a golf club at the same time.
Had there been a picture of me, you would have seen my overly dramatic backswing, followed by my overly dramatic follow through. I know you're not supposed to see the club head on the backswing, nor are you supposed to hit your own leg on the follow through, but I can't seem to help myself. Even when I try to dial it down a bit, I still wind up over swinging.

Now, of the 3 swings shown, which would you guess resulted in the most effective drive? If you said the bottom one, you are correct. No, it's not the prettiest looking swing, but that ball went straight down the middle of the fairway. Something I think I did once out of 18 attempts.

After a gruelling 18 holes, we stopped at Small Fryes in Fall City for lunch. I will admit to being entertained by their sign stating, "We specialize in grease, salt, sugar and caffeine!" Luckily I was in the mood for some good, artery clogging food. Sadly, the food wasn't very good. Still, the marketing department deserves a thumbs up.
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