Tuesday, November 06, 2007

We're Coming Up On Re-election Day

I have seen people for close to a week now standing on street corners holding or waving signs for political candidates or referendums. I certainly don't have enough motivation to stand out in the cold waving a sign for any cause or candidate. And what's more, I really don't think it does any good. Has anyone ever voted for or against something or someone because they saw someone holding a sign? I really doubt it.

The point of all this is: remember to go out and vote today. And maybe listen to some Arcadia while you're voting.


Anonymous said...

The problem with a democracy is that they let the idiots vote. I define idiots as people who don't have any common sense.

So yes, people holding signs can influence certain people.

W&MGrad said...

And that coming from someone who lost his ballot.....

Unknown said...

I've thought about some kind of poll quiz before, but I don't think that will fly. I think question 1 on the quiz will be 'did you lose your ballot' though.