Plot Summary: A psychological thriller that tells the story of a man (Hayden Christensen) who suffers "anesthetic awareness" and finds himself awake and aware, but paralyzed, during heart surgery. His young wife (Jessica Alba) must wrestle with her own demons as a drama unfolds around them.
Honestly, this movie doesn't look very good, and Hayden Christensen is a terrible actor and very difficult to watch, still I feel strangely compelled to see this film. And the reason for this is because Jessica Alba looks drop dead gorgeous. Yes, I am one of those people who will watch a bad movie because a beautiful woman is in it, but I at least have enough self respect to wait for DVD and not shell out $10 to watch a bad movie in the theater.
But this, in a round about way, brings me to my point. I know, you're as surprised as me that I actually have a point, but here it is: Jessica Alba is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen - and on the unlikely chance that she's reading this, let me just say that I love you - but she is in so few good movies. As a matter of fact, looking over her profile on IMDB, I realize that she hasn't been in a movie that would be considered good in the traditional sense. And for the record, no Sin City wasn't good. Don't believe the hype or the good reviews - it's all lies. Anyway, to get back to my point before I get too far off on a tangent, how can someone I care so much about continually hurt me by being in these bad movies? And why do I continue to come back for more when I know it will only end in heartache? Surely she's got enough box office draw to be more selective in her roles, so why does she continue to select the bad ones? I guess I just have to be glad that she hasn't taken the Sandra Bullock/Julia Roberts route and converted to 100% chick flicks. That would be too much for me to accept from my dear Jessica.
So please Jessica, please exercise a little more discretion in your selection process and take some roles in better movies.
I noticed Jessica's doing about a million movies a year now because of her immense popularity. One of those is bound to be good.....isn't it?
I'm interested in this movie because I want to see how much plot there can be to a guy that is "out", but awake! I probably won't go to the theater to see it either. It's highway robbery to go to the movie theater anymore!
c'mon Sin City rocked. It won the academy award for the greatest movie ever made....
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