Monday, November 12, 2007

Berkeley Tree Sitters

If you're unfamiliar with the saga of the Berkeley Tree Sitters, here's a quick synopsis: UC Berkeley has announced an expansion to the athletic complex - to be built next to the stadium. Building the complex would involve cutting down some oak trees. Since this is Berkeley, some whack jobs have taken up residence in said trees to keep the university from cutting them down.

This whole situation is absolutely asinine, but what really got to me was seeing some photos of these wastes of space in my ESPN magazine mugging for the camera, soaking up all the attention they can, and seeing a quote from a woman who goes by the moniker "Millipede" saying:

This has nothing to do with football. We'd be doing the same thing if it
was a library. This isn't about us trying to compete by asserting our
dominance as a protest school.

Now I actually agree with that assessment. But what Millipede left out is what it does have to do with, and it has to do with is some people who are completely lost, have absolutely no self worth, and are willing to grasp on to any cause, no matter how ridiculous in order to feel important and get some attention. This is absolutely the most sad and pathetic thing I've seen in quite some time. These poor knuckleheads are completely vacuous and I think that as soon as the university really wants to get them out of the trees, the just have to cordon off the area at the base of the trees, and when their supply of weed runs out, they'll come down and then come down. Damn worthless hippies.

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