Here is the exciting story of my rubber band ball. It is entirely composed of rubber bands that have been shot at me by one anonymous co-worker who seems to get bored from time to time. This first picture shows it in it's infancy, sitting next to some common office items to give you an idea of it's size. As you can see, it was born shortly before November 15th.

This second picture shows how many rubber bands were shot at me in just a short 3 or 4 minute period while I was trying to talk on the phone. Needless to say, maintaining your professionalism while bobbing and weaving, and while getting nailed in the back of the head can prove to be a challenge.

Finally, this is how large it has grown to date. I fully expect it to be the size of a basketball by spring. At that point I may donate it to some disadvantaged YMCA somewhere in need of sports equipment. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!
It's heartbreaking to think about those poor Indian children who can't afford office hyjinx. I'm going to personally send my job overseas to them in the hopes that I really can make a difference in someone's life.
It was Rick, wasn't it?
No, not Rick. Ever since he accepted the position of Mayor of Temp Town, he's been on the other side of the building, well out of rubber band range, not to mention the walls and other obstacles in the way.
I'd be tempted to return the rubber bands to their sender. Of course in the shape they are in they make a nice projectile since the ball is the size of a softball. I wouldn't think you'd have any issue smacking someone with it........
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