The 4th of July was another enjoyable event. I ate too much but lived to eat another day. As usual, a variety of barbecued sausages were on the menu, along with some barbecued burgers. That was enough to keep me from eating nothing but blackberry pie and apple pie all day. It was kind of a mild year on the explosives front, but not all bad. Above are the legal fireworks I picked up to indulge my pyrotechnicsmania - a term I just recently coined. It's similar to pyromania, but more volatile. Below are the less legal fireworks, mostly rockets, which I acquired in Little Boston. Some kind gentlemen on the reservation provided them to me at a reasonable price. Noticeably absent are pictures of my cousin fearing for his life down below the deck as some of the rockets lacked the propulsion to get them more than a few feet in the air before plummeting back to earth to explode. As luck would have it, this was limited to a handful of the rockets and those still managed to provide some entertainment.Lastly, thanks to my brother for introducing me to what may become an annual tradition. He claims to have picked this up from his brother in law. With the simplest of ingredients: a coat hanger, some steel wool, and some sort of fire producing implement, you can produce a fantastic ring of fire. Basically, you straighten out the coat hanger, attach the steel wool to the end, light the afore mentioned steel wool and begin spinning it with the coat hanger. Apparently with enough air flow, the steel wool will burn quite nicely. I also learned that quite a bit of flaming steel wool flies off after my brother nearly lit me on fire twice with this nice little trick. Still, it's fairly fun. I was able to find the below tutorial.
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