Sunday, July 06, 2008


I've got a weird one for your psychoanalysis today. Last night I dreamed that an enormous woman - at least 50 feet tall - was chasing me through a grocery store intent on eating me. I kept running down all of the narrow and crowded aisles so that she would have trouble following me. But try as I might, I just couldn't shake her. I guess hungry women can't be stopped. Needless to say, she eventually caught me. She picked me up in her enormous hand and as soon as I got close enough to her mouth, I took a good solid swing at her. That's when I punched the headboard and woke myself up. One bloody knuckle later I never found out how this dream was going to turn out.

I think that the large woman represents - I don't really know, my fear of large women I guess. And that would mean that her trying to eat me represents my fear of being eaten by large women. It turns out that dream analysis isn't one of my strengths.


Anonymous said...

Fear of women is a natural and can be treated:

'Hypnotherapy helps to reprogram your subconscious "programs" that may be part of your fear. When these programs are "de-bugged" the symptoms of Fear Of Woman often are minimized. However, some people don't like the feeling of loss of control in allowing someone else to play with their personal "software". '

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Dr. Phil. That's more insightful than usual. You are usually master of the obvious.