Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Forest Overcrowding

If you ever thought that fighting forest fires led to them absorbing less carbon dioxide from the environment, then you are smarter than the average scientist. New research suggests that extinguishing forest fires leads to thicker underbrush. This thicker underbrush ends up competing for resources with the larger trees effectively choking them out. The larger trees end up with stunted growth or die, resulting in forests full of smaller trees.

So I guess in the long run, we're better off just saving the resources and manpower to fight forest fires, and simply let them burn off all of the underbrush. I like this plan in particular because easier. Yes, I'm delighted when laziness turns out to be the best solution to one of life's problems. Often times there is brilliance in simplicity. And I also believe that the planet got along just fine without human intervention for a long time and this is just more evidence that we should take a more hands off approach to the environment. The earth is incredibly resilient and can take care of itself.

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