Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Weird Dream

I usually don't remember any of my dreams, and in this case I only remember a very small portion of it, but that portion doesn't make any sense at all. All I remember is somebody questioning a woman, I think it may have been a lawyer in court, but maybe not. I seem to remember it was kind of like an interrogation. Anyway, this mysterious man asked the woman,"so when exactly did your husbands situation change from a quagmire to a morass?" And that's all I remember. I woke up and immediately was confused as to what that could possibly be about. Of course I was confused for about 2 minutes before I was back asleep again, but somehow it stuck with me until the morning. I guess the point is that maybe it's better if I don't remember any of my dreams since what I do remember is typically nonsense. I'm glad to know my subconscious is hard at work during the night though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...quagmire to a morass ....

Scotty you're not sleeping with a thesaurus under the pillow are you?
Thesaurus' are known to cause you to dream with words not normally seen together.......

On a more positive note at least you're not dreaming something completely ridiculous like your cat is a monkey. I mean that's just plain strange. Monkeys throw poop, really just disturbing.

Cats on the other hand have nice soft poofy, cuddly hair, especially right after you pull them out of the dryer (then they're all warm)......