Monday, September 10, 2007

Traditional Whale Hunt

The Makah tribe has legal rights to conduct whale hunts to preserve their culture, however I have to question this latest hunt. While I will admit a fair amount of ignorance on the subject of Makah history, I doubt that they traditionally used .50 caliber machine guns. Now the article doesn't mention it, but I would not be surprised to find that alcohol was also involved. People seem to think a lot of things are a better idea once they get a little booze in them, and unfortunately, gun play seems to be one of those things. There is sure to be an uproar from the animal rights activists over this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What? Can they only get a hold of a 50 caliber machine gun? What happened to the 20mm vulcan machine gun to mow down those sneaky whales? Ever read Moby Dick? That just shows you need a big, big gun to take care of those sneaky whales.

Ok, the alcohol with a 20mm Vulcan machine gun, might be a bad idea. Well unless they're several miles off shore, and no one is in several miles of them. In that case it'd be fine as long as they take pictures just in case they qualify for the Darwin award...