Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another Free Plug

It's once again time to do some advertising. If you're interested in catching some live music from a local band, meet me down at the High Dive in Freemont (across the street from Stalin) on Thursday night to see Skeletons With Flesh On Them. Sure it's a dumb band name, but they are having a CD release party and I've been promised that copies of their brand new disc will be available for the low low price of $1. The price will go up immediately after the gig is over, so it's truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus I think it would be just great if I ran into somebody I know down there. I'm even willing to go out on a limb and guarantee that you might even enjoy yourself a little bit. So bring all of the attractive women you know and I'll see you down there.

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