Thursday, September 06, 2007

I Miss Being Unemployed

.....except for the not having any money part of it. As soon as I can find a solution to not working yet still having an income, I'll be set. Luckily for me, it looks like my company is going to help me become unemployed in about 6 months. Unfortunately, having the sword of Damocles dangling over my head seems to be cutting into my productivity.

I guess there should be a point to all this since I'm pretty sure I've already filled my monthly quota of aimless rambling, so I guess the point is I need to find a job that pays more and is closer to home and is less hours. Or a job that pays more money and doesn't require me to do anything. Either would be a step in the right direction. So if anyone knows of any high paying jobs in the Redmond/Kirkland/Bellevue area, let me know.


Shawn said...

I recommend studying sports betting. Look how well that has worked out for me.
But seriously, I'll keep my eyes peeled although you should milk it for at least a few months shelvis stylee.

Anonymous said...

I was out of work most of last summer. If it wasn't for the no money bit of not having a job, I'd be out of work still. But, as Willie Clinton said, I feel your pain. With the mortgage industry collapsing upon itself, I may be joining you in that unemployment line.

Maybe we can start our own business babysitting and taking care of all the vacant houses that are being foreclosed on.....

Shawn said...

I would like to be in on that racket!