Sunday, July 22, 2007

People I've Been Told I Look Like

Well, Friday I was told I looked like Joe Dirt. That is one of the more insulting comparisons I've heard which now include:
Silent Bob
Jack Black
Scott Spiezio
Scott Weiland
Louis CK
Troy Aikman

Now none of these people look remotely like each other, and I don't think look anything like me, but it's still kind of interesting. Scott Spiezio I have heard by far the most often. When he was playing for the Mariners I would hear that one about every other game. Haven't heard it once since he left though.


Anonymous said...

I think you look a little like Jonathan Schwartz. Who's the CEO of Sun Microsystems.

Maybe this picture isn't the best one, but in other pictures you kind of look like him.

Anonymous said...

You look exactly like Spongebob Squarepants.