Friday, July 27, 2007

Christmas In July

Am I the only one who finds the whole Christmas in July thing to be exceptionally annoying? I realize that every summer, many of our biggest retailers are in danger of going out of business due to decreased consumer spending, and therefore need to create a holiday to urge increased spending. I do have a big problem with their lack of creativity on creating such a bogus holiday though.

Spearheaded by the greeting card and candy conglomerates, marketing departments have been able to create several bogus holidays already. Fathers Day, Mothers Day and Valentines Day come to mind. How then are these marketing departments falling short now? Are they just that lazy? Can't they at least find somebody out there to honor, or kill somebody and make them a martyr?

And I guess what is bothering me most is that I thought we had killed off Christmas in July years ago, but suddenly it is rearing it's ugly head again. I am seeing ads for it everywhere, and it's got to stop. Am I just imagining that it had died off and was just somehow blissfully unaware of it the last few years? Either way, I have had enough. I am officially boycotting any company that is pushing Christmas in July, and not just because I'm saving up for Hanukkah in August, or Easter in September.

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