Still bitter about missing the Van Halen concert, at least I can take a little solace in knowing that I missed out on seeing an over the hill David Lee Roth blow out his hamstring trying to pull off one of his famous kicks from his youth. I'm a little surprised that the P.I. ran such an unflattering photo. I'm still taking bets on whether or not they can stay together until the end of the tour.
Whether or not they finish the tour off, the important thing is I got to see Van Halen. Actually if they break up before the tour is over, then that makes my experience that much more rare....
Dave not only had some high leg kicks, but he also showed off his martial art training when he whirled a staff around his body in a pretty neat display.
I don't care how high he can kick....there comes a time in everyone's life when they are just too dang old to wear leather pants!
I will take the leather pants over the spandex or the assless chaps he used to wear.
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