Thursday, August 07, 2008

Soviet B.O.

Today at work, story time began, and as I'm sure you are all aware, it was nothing but high brow stories from me. Because the topic of the crazy Canadian postman who stabbed and ate a guy on the bus came up, I began to recount a bus story from my college days. If you've heard this one before, feel free to skip ahead. On second though, no, you have to read it again. The year was .... I don't remember, but sometime in the 90's I'm pretty sure. As previously mentioned, I was enjoying the luxury of Metro transportation when to my dismay, a man in a WSU shirt entered. I don't recall at this juncture if he sat directly in front of me, or directly behind me. What I will never forget, however is that without question, he was producing the most offensive odor I have encountered in a human being. I'm pretty sure a decomposing corpse would have been an improvement. And no exaggeration here - there were moments when I thought I was going to lose containment and wretch right there on the bus. It really was that bad.

Anyway, it was at this point in the story when I said, "if I could have pulled my hands from covering my nose for long enough, I think I would have stabbed him." At this point things really began to get entertaining.

PGT immediately chimed in with, "was it Eastern European B.O.?"
Me: "worse"
PGT: "Indian subcontinent B.O.?"
Me: "at least that bad"
PGT: "Soviet B.O.?"
Me: "That would be a great band name."

Long story short, we are now forming a fake band by the name of Soviet B.O. PGT has already staked his claim to the cowbell and triangle duties. I think I might take over keytar duties. We have successfully recruited one more member who has yet to announce his duties. I don't know if we will put on any fake shows, create a fake web site in order to have yet one more venue for hot chicks to ignore us, or if we will lose interest in a few days and announce our fake break up. What I do know for certain are 2 things: 1. no other band has already taken that name so we will not be forced to change it. 2. With a name that good, we are sure to be a monstrous success.

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