It's finally happened. The creepy woman pictured to your left sold her house so that she could afford the $50,000 price tag to have her beloved pet dog Booger
cloned. There is a line that is crossed by an increasing number of pet owners in this country that seem to think of their pets as children, and it is so far in the rear view mirror for this lady that I don't think she can see it anymore. Referring to your pets as your children is really straddling the line of irrationality. Dressing your pets is a step over the line. From there it proceeds to pet vacations and, of course, leaving your inheritance to your pet. All of these are symptoms of a possible psychological problem and should trigger, at the very least, a serious re-evaluation of your priorities if not a straight jacket. Becoming homeless in order to clone your lost pet goes well beyond any of those, and I'm not really sure that this woman realizes that the clone is a different animal. And she really needs to watch the
6th Day in order to fully acquaint herself with the hazards of cloning.
Yes, I realize that loving a pet is completely natural, and I had some childhood pets that died and I did mourn the loss of. But death is a part of life, and the inability some people seem to have to cope with it really disturbs me. I sure hope that pet cloning never becomes mainstream, and certainly not human cloning.
I don't know what is more upsetting. That she cloned her dog or that she named her dog "Booger."
How about the fact that she now has 5 dogs named Booger?
And I have to say that every time I see that picture of that crazy lady I get a little more disturbed.
It gets even weirder. I read at MSNBC that there are reports coming up in Great Britain that, in 1977, this woman kidnapped a Mormon missionary in a very Misery-like way. I don't know how true these are, but there you go.....
Yep, it's true...
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