Sunday, August 03, 2008

Precious Little Snowflakes

Finally, a major study shows that overprotective parents who treat their children like precious little snowflakes are actually doing them more harm than good. I know if seems obvious to a lot of people that not allowing kids to do anything for fear of a little bump or bruise actually hinders the child's development, but we still have a generation of wusses who are afraid of their own shadows. The study doesn't say that you should go so far as to practice tough love by terrorizing children, but I'm going to go out on that limb. I don't have any hard evidence to show that scaring the bejezus out of kids will make them stronger, just an intuition. Plus it just seems like it would be good fun.

And it is at this point that I would like to include this disclaimer: it should be noted that I do not have children and have no plans of ever having any. Come to think of it, maybe it's for the best if there is a 50' radius between myself and anyone under 12. Once they hit 13, anything goes. I don't know if there's a person alive who wouldn't agree that teens need a good beating from time to time. It's good for the psyche.

Before I got off on that little tangent there, I wanted to mention that while I don't think one study will do the trick, if we get enough there's still hope that we might halt the pansification* of the world's youth.

*pansification - the act of becoming a pansy - is a word created by the Craw Fu Corporation, your leader in made up words.

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