At a recent trip to the grocery store, I found myself intrigued by the blue label Tillamook cheddar. What makes it so special that it get's a fancy wrapper, other than it's white cheddar? I had to find out. Well let me say that it is slightly sharper than their regular cheddar, and it is also a creamier texture. It is a more full bodied flavor. If I remember right, it was about $2 more than their standard cheddar. So while it is a little tastier in my opinion, it is not enough so to warrant the extra price. I did like it better than their black wrapper cheddar, which is even sharper, but is so crumbly that it is nearly impossible to slice.
On a completely unrelated note, I watched Ghost Rider a couple days ago and am planning a review. As a perfectionist, I don't want to write a half-assed review, and haven't really felt like sitting down and writing a full fledged review, so it may be a couple days before I get around to it. For those of you that can't wait that long though, I'll boil it all down to one word. Bad. Stay tuned.
I love Tillamook cheese! Have you ever been to the Tillamook Cheese Factory in Tillamook Oregon? It was pretty cool to see how they make cheese and a total plus was you get to sample almost everything. Plus it's the only place you can get really good cheese curds. Cheese curds ROCK! I have tasted the cheese in the black wrapper and it was just a bit to sharp for me. I love the regular sharp cheddar though. I have never tried the cheese in the blue wrapper though. I'm coming into to work on Wednesday to pack up the rest of my stuff so you should bring in a slice of it so I can try it. :)
I have, in fact, toured the Tillamook factory. I haven't tried cheese curds though. Perhaps I'll have to make another trip down there.
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