Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Glad I Have Insurance

The bill for my surgery arrived in the mail yesterday, and it looks like the medieval contraption on my hand is now the most valuable thing I own. At just under $6k, I'm really disappointed that the resale value doesn't hold up on an item like this.

It's still causing me some problems. It doesn't bother me much during the day for the most part, but I still wake up several times during the night with it aching, and it's usually throbbing when I wake up in the morning. Consequently I have been perpetually tired and am so absent minded that I'm pretty worthless the last couple hours of the day. This has also led to me becoming increasingly frustrated by my inability to perform simple tasks. It's difficult to tie my shoes, get my keys or change out of my pocket, pick anything up, take the lids off of containers or generally do anything that involves grasping something, and getting my keys in and out of my ignition. Trying to do things left handed that I'm used to doing right handed has been a more difficult adjustment than I thought. You wouldn't think that shaving or brushing my teeth would be that difficult.

It's still pretty swollen, which makes the joints stiffer and bending that finger more difficult. I've got another physical therapy session tomorrow so it remains to be seen how much worse it will feel tomorrow night. As testy as I've been the last couple days, if they've got another ream of paper for me to fill out, I may go postal. I just hope tonight is the night I sleep until morning.

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