Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This Crazy Weather Is Killing Me

I don't know how much more I can tolerate it. I think I need to take a vacation somewhere that it will stay warm and dry the whole time I'm there. But for now, I'm shocked at how just yesterday I can be out in a deluge so horrific that I could have sworn the apocalypse had begun, and yet by this afternoon it's clear skies and sunshine. And I can't besure that the streets won't turn into rivers again by tomorrow.

Anyway, this brings me to something that has bothered me for a long time. How in the world is it possible that in this state, with as much rain as we get, there are still people who don't know how to drive in the rain? Over the weekend when I was on the roads, I was continually stuck behind people driving 10, 15, sometimes more below the speed limit, and it was pretty light rain most of the weekend. It's not like these people haven't been driving in this weather for the past 8 months. The next biggest traffic problem seems to be sunshine. There are people, I assume the same jerks that can't drive in the rain, that panic when the sun comes out and the have to slow way down. I'm convinced that the only weather that won't hinder the drivers in this state is mostly cloudy, but dry, with no wind.

I'm not even going to begin to complain about all the people I wanted to kill this weekend who would get on the freeway, immediately move to the far left lane, and then drive 5 miles an hour below the speed limit. Even though I wasn't in a hurry, this was producing some serious road rage. Particularly since these jerks seem to have a way of finding each other and driving right next to each other so that all the lanes are blocked and nobody can get by. My grandpa used to call that flying in formation. But then again he also used to call pencils writin' sticks, but I'll save all his weird quotes for another day.


Anonymous said...

You know all of Grandpa's good ole quotes would kind of be a fun post. You may need to solicit some help on that one though....


Anonymous said...

s*** fire and save the matches!