Monday, March 19, 2007


Well, I finally got around to watching 300 this weekend. While the Molitor described it as 'freakin awesome', I would have to just go with 'freakin watchable'. Since I knew it was based on a comic book I wasn't expecting any historical accuracy, and yet I still found myself disappointed at how inaccurate it really was. In the historical battle of Thermopylae, there were no mutant ninjas, giants, hunchbacks, giant blobs with swords for arms, or any of the other goofy crap they decided to throw in the movie. I don't know if there were any elephants, but I'm certain that not only in this battle, but not in any battle in history did anyone ride an armored rhinocerous into battle. These laughably rediculous moments, however, still didn't bother me as much as the fight scenes. The whole success of the Spartan army was based on the phalanx. They even mentioned that more than one time in the movie. Every soldier was responsible for protecting the soldiers next to him. However, every time a battle started up, the phalanx couldn't break up fast enough and turn into an over the top, eye rolling free for all. Throw in the fact that the Spartans were supposedly fighting for their freedom (the 'freedom isn't free' line was a nice touch) despite the fact that Spartan society was quite oppressive, and it's just a little too much to swallow.

While these things were difficult to get past, I also had a big problem with the corny speaches, the hammy overdramatization of everything, the constant slow motion battle scenes, and the overbearing soundtrack. I guess for many, part of the appeal of the movie may have been the lack of realism, but for me I felt it could have been toned down a lot and some more realism would have made for a more compelling story. On the other hand, while this was an exceptionally violent movie, the lack of realism made it seem more like cartoon violence and there was really nothing disturbing. It was more like watching a roadrunner cartoon than the D-Day invasion from Saving Private Ryan.

These things aside, it was still a fun hack and slash movie along the lines of Gladiator (although I think they kind of ripped off the end of Gladiator a bit). If you can turn off your brain and divorce yourself from reality for 2 hours, you can enjoy some good action and above average special effects. Just try to forget everything you know about history and certainly don't learn anything about the real events until after you've seen the movie.

One final note that has more to do with other people's reaction to the film than the film itself, is I'm surprised, and somewhat amused to hear people refer to it as 'right-wing propaganda', 'anti-arab propaganda', 'revisionist history', etc. It never ceases to amaze me how worked up people will get over a movie. Particularly a dumb action movie like this one.

Long story short, I give this a middle of the road 5.5 out of 10. I'd say it's above average entertainment, but I can't quite bring myself to give it a full 6. I want to, but then I keep thinking of all the rediculous male bravado throughout the movie and I can't quite do it. But then again, purely out of spite to those who are so offended by it and want to call it propaganda, I think I will go ahead and bump it up to 6. Go catch it somewhere cheap, get some popcorn, and try not to think too much.


Anonymous said...

But tell us what you really think, Scott.

Anonymous said...

For a completely over the top action movie, it rocks...I didn't watch the film expecting a history lesson, I watched it to see some good ol' fashioned good guys vs bad guys bloodletting.

As far as the propaganda angle goes, a lot of the same reviewers that trashed '300' for being historically inaccurate are the same ones that praised the brilliantly presented and edited, but wildly inaccurate and outright fictitious 'JFK' and/or 'Fahrenheit 9/11'. Calling '300' a propaganda piece would be like calling 'Jaws' a documentary about great white's just an entertaining popcorn flick - however, the generic heavy metal soundtrack was grating...I don't know why more film makers won't follow the Lucas 'Star Wars' approach and roll with a classical score - heavy metal will just date the film.../end vicodin fueled movie!

Unknown said...

I didn't expect a history lesson, but for something based on actual events, I had hoped it would have been a little closer. I felt like this was on par with Lee Harvey Oswald whipping out his sword and cutting off Kennedy's head in JFK.