Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Per request, here is a post about food. What I really want that nobody makes is a taco sub sammich. Would that really be so hard? They've already got all the vegetables and cheese right there. All they need now is some taco meat. Some other sub ideas: the teriyaki sub. It would have rice on it instead of lettuce. Maybe some dessert subs. If they can make dessert pizza, why not a dessert sub? I kind of have an apple pie sub in mind, but I don't want to limit it to that. Somebody needs to get Subway or the Sub Shop on this.


Anonymous said...

It's been driving me crazy that nobody will add saurkraut to their menu and offer up a damn Rubin. Subway has a ton of different breads...but no rye. I'd be slamming down rubins if they offered them.

Anonymous said...

Your desire for designer submarine sammiches is respectable. I feel like I should agree with you here, but I'm a bit of a purist as you might know. Any day of the week give me a sammich with every possible meat and every possible cheese on it (sometimes double meat and double cheese even) and I could not be happier. I am so hooked on these tremendous subs (original italian at the Jersey Mike's and the Destroyer at the sub shop being my two current favorites) that I rarely even eat tacos anymore. But if I wanted a taco, I could hit up the taco bell.
In another time another place another space, I might agree wholeheartedly. However, this time I must say don't reinvent the wheel. The Destroyer is an awfully tough sammich to beat. Besides, you know you can always get a taco pizza, right?