Today I stumbled upon an amazing photography blog titled Stuck In Customs. In particular it's about HDR, or High Dynamic Range photography. I didn't post a photo here primarily because I really couldn't narrow it down to just one to share. Some are absolutely breathtaking and others are a bit surreal and odd looking, but they are all fascinating. From what I've read, HDR is an editing process that uses software to bring out more radiant colors and contrasts. Anyway, the blog is kind of a photo travelogue with pictures from all over the world. I'll tell you right now though, once you start looking at the photos you might suddenly realize that an hour or so has slipped away from you.
And now, for no apparent reason, one of the greatest music videos ever filmed: Safety Dance! It combines all the excitement of a Renaissance fair with, well, dancing. And a midget. Or is it a dwarf? I'm ashamed to say I forgot which is which.
Okay, according to Wikipedia, a midget is proportional and a dwarf has shorter arms and legs but a normal adult size torso and head. Based on that, it appears that the little person in the video is in fact a dwarf. The costume makes it a little difficult to tell for sure though.
I just call them "little people." Is that acceptable?
Thanks for the website rec. Those photos are eerie and dreamlike.
"The Safety Dance" is one of the best 80s dance songs, even though it contains the most inane lyrics. Such as: "We can dance, we can dance, everybody look at your hands!"
I will forever sing that as, "everybody look at your pants!"
And last I'd heard, little people was still acceptable, but I don't keep close enough tabs on political correctness to know for sure.
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