These things not withstanding, it's still an interesting place and I applaud the modifications made to their mobile sammich unit. It's quite eye catching, and I also appreciate their homage to Charlotte's Web with their license plate. It's clever marketing, and based on the daily lines I assume that their food is good based on the aforementioned lines. I'm not likely to give it a try though, particularly with cheaper, more stationary, closer places like Mad Oven BBQ. But if I hear enough rave reviews (none so far) you never know, I may end up there one day. At least it's an improvement on the police mobile oppression unit (RV) that I've seen parked there many a time.
I did manage to track down some more photos as well as some reviews. I take online reviews with a grain of salt, however, and couldn't make it past the person who used the term, "delish." Not only is that an instant loss of credibility, but anyone using that term deserves a good bitch slap for being a hipster doofus. I think that one review just ruined my whole day and destroyed any remaining faith in humanity.
I take it you don't like Rachael Ray since she uses and named her dog food line the word Delish! I have a rule against eating from any type of mobile restaurant myself.
I saw the porkmobile at Safeco Field last night.
Btw, you need to try Hole-in-the-Wall BBQ. It beats the pants off of Mad Oven.
That's awesome.
This morning I realized I was wrong...while Rachael Ray does use the word Delish a lot her dog food line is named Nutrish. My bad!
Looks like something a Mad Max villian might drive. Enter the Thunderdome, porkmobile.
You are correct, I can't stand Rachel Ray. I didn't know about the delish thing, but I've heard her say, "yummo" and I absolutely hate that, so the delish thing doesn't help.
I've never heard of Hole in the Wall BBQ. We are going to have to do lunch one of these days so you can show me where it is. Or I could just google it I suppose.
I personally think Mel Gibson should do another Mad Max sequel just so he can drive the porkmobile.
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