Sunday, May 11, 2008

Vocabulary Builder

Today's word of the day - introubulating - is brought to you by Kent Brockman. As in, "One Springfield man is treating his wife to an extra-special valentine's day this year, and introubulating the rest of us."

Do your best to incorporate this word into your everyday lexicon.

One of my favorite aspects of both the Simpsons and Futurama is their use of made up words, slipped into the conversation as if they were real words. I attribute this phenomenon to David X Cohen, also sometimes credited as David S Cohen. Perhaps he's not responsible for all of the created vocabulary, but I think it's primarily his idea.

Anyway, I found a wonderful compendium of such terms, which I have learned are known as neologisms. There you can find some of my favorites, such as onetuplet, cromulent, crisitunity, and even assal horizontology. Enjoy!

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