Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ouch Part II

I finally got a doctor to see me today and after an x-ray, he told me I have a slightly displaced avulsion fracture at the proximal, volar aspect of the middle phalanx. In English that means a broken knuckle on the right ring finger. It also means that I have to go see a hand specialist to see if it will heal properly on it's own or if I'll have to have a pin put in. It also means that the letters o, l, and . will remain difficulties in my typing for a while longer. Good times. And to quote Dom Deluise in Cannonball Run, it only hurts when I point.

On to today's Indy trivia! In the zeppelin scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Harrison Ford and Sean Connery both were not wearing any pants because the set was too hot that day.


Kris Gray said...

Are you not going to be able to punch during your test?

Unknown said...

I can still punch with my left hand.

Anonymous said...

That stinks man. While it would be nice to have a fully functioning hand, it's not polite to point anyways.