Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dream Analysis

I don't remember a lot of my dreams, but I've been remembering several of them lately. Some of them have been weirder than others. Here is last night's:

I was boxing an attractive former co-worker. This was not just screwing around in the yard or in the gym boxing, this was in an actual ring with a referee and the whole nine yards. I was very slow and sluggish, but was still dominating. And throughout the whole thing, I was most concerned with the fact that she was a terrible boxer. She couldn't land a punch to save her life, and no matter how many times I punched her in the face, she wouldn't keep her hands up. I wasn't hitting her hard, and I was trying to give her pointers, but I still kept punching her in the face.

Well, after a round with her, she stepped out of the ring and somebody else stepped in. There was a long line of people waiting, and I took them all on one at a time, and none of them was good enough to land a punch, but I didn't know any of the rest of them.

Why would I have a dream about repeatedly punching an attractive woman? Is there some hidden meaning? Is this just one of those weird dreams that doesn't have an explanation? I'm open to suggestions and theories. And even though the woman in the dream is never going to be reading this since I haven't seen or talked to her in well over a year, I would like to publicly apologize. And I would like to say that you really need to learn how to box. I'd be happy to give you some pointers.

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