Monday, April 06, 2009

Blackberry Creme Latte

Today, due to lots of sunshine and warm weather, I had to go wandering around outside at lunch time today. My journey's led me past a Seattle's Best Coffee, which I would normally just keep walking past since I think their coffee is the worst in Seattle, but I saw the blackberry creme latte sign in the window and I had no choice but to stop in and try it. I love blackberry. I love creme. And I love lattes. What could go wrong with that? Well, it was drinkable, but I thought it was too sweet and was disappointed that the blackberry flavors were a little muted. And at 480 calories for a 16 ounce, I believe it officially qualifies as a calorie bomb. I'm pretty sure it had more calories than the rest of my lunch. So the moral of the story is: I can't in good conscience recommend this beverage.


Athena6 said...

there seem to be no official listings for the calories in the blackberry creme latte, where did you find the 480kcal value????

Unknown said...

The calories were listed at the store. All the drinks now have a calorie count next to them.