Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nothing To Say

The last few weeks have been very busy for me. I've been feeling pretty bad physically, mentally, emotionally, pretty much every way you can feel bad I have. So it's been even more of a stuggle than usual to find anything interesting to say. One of these days I might come up with something. Until then, here is some of the random nonsense that has been going through my head recently.

The sands of time continue to fall through the hourglass. Saturday I turned 35. Over the last couple of weeks I've come to realize that I'm middle aged, alone, working a fairly low paying job, don't own my own place, and have no real hope of changing any of those facts in the near future. My life is half over and I haven't done anything worthwhile or made a difference in anybody's life. If this is what a midlife crisis is all about, it sure sucks.

The best thing I got for my birthday was from my Uncle Mike (who I'm named after by the way). He just got back from vacation in Vegas and put $10 on the Seahawks to win the Superbowl for me.

I apologize to Jeff Weaver for all the bad things I've said about him this year. He put in another solid outing on Saturday. It was great to see the M's complete the sweep and pull to within 2 games of the Angels. If they make it to the World Series, I'm taking vacation from my regular job to work those games.

So that's about it. Once life stops sucking, I'll get back to a more normal posting schedule.


W&MGrad said...

Happy birthday (a day late!) I told your cousin to send you a card or something...unfortunately, we both suffer from the same affliction of having no concept of time and not being able to realize that Thursday is only 2 days from Saturday. I claim BrideBrain...I don't think Pat has an excuse.

Anonymous said...

Scott, with the mess the mortgage/real estate industry is currently in I would call it a blessing that you don't own a home/condo.....

Anyhoo, happy b-day and here's hoping you are out of your funk soon!