Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Big Tease

As some of you may know, I have a birthday coming up soon. Well, I got a letter in the mail from the department of licensing telling me that my present this year is that I can renew online instead of going down and standing in line. That seemed like a good idea to me until I logged on to the DOL web site, jumped through all their hoops, and then got to the end and got a message that more screening was necessary and I have to go down to the office anyway. I don't know if I answered the organ donor question wrong, or if it's because I haven't lost consciousness in the last 6 months, but the whole thing turned out to be a cruel hoax.

The DOL has just made my list of people and organizations I hate at the moment. As a matter of fact, I may have to start a new feature: who I hate this week. They can join the Boston Red Sox and their fans, Paula Reynolds, and Cher. What has Cher done this week you ask? Well, nothing that I know of, but I never liked her and she just popped into my head for some reason. And now I can't stop thinking of that creepy video she did on some battleship, perhaps the Missouri, I don't remember which one it was. I just remember the video was exceptionally creepy. And I think that may be a new world record for most unrelated tangent. It's got to be a personal best at least.


Anonymous said...

I have to get my license renewed as well. We should go together and be license buddies.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that was Cher defiling some of the big guns on the USS Missouri - she also had her way with the battleship itself.

Unknown said...

This just in: after setting up a time to be license buddies with The Molitor, he went in already and left me high and dry.

The Molitor officially sucks and goes on my list of people I hate this week.