I'll start off today's nonsense by saying that believe it or not, I'm happy to get a little rain, but enough already. The rain means that I can put off washing my car for a little while longer. It has been absolutely filthy. Unfortunately the rain also means that I showed up for work soaking wet this morning because I was dumb enough to walk out the door without a coat or umbrella, and by the time I got down the stairs and outside and realize it was raining, I didn't think I could go back for an umbrella without risking missing the bus. Sometimes my own brilliance amazes me.
But getting back to my filthy car, it has been needing a good washing since I parked too close to a tree at the park & ride that dripped sap all over it. This all happened shortly after my best day all summer. This particularly good day I managed to come across the nice girls from the Bellevue High School drill team who washed my car for me. God bless those sweet girls. And even though I've heard that going to high school fund raiser car washes is the best way to get your paint job scratched up, I'd recommend them to all my friends.
Ever since I moved into my current place, laundry has been a nuisance. I don't have a washer and dryer in my apartment and am forced to use the building laundry down stairs. Not only does this mean that I have to have quarters on hand if i want clean clothes, but it also means I can't just throw my clothes in the washer before I go to work, then throw them in the dryer when I get home and come back for them later. I pretty much have to be around for a couple hours to babysit my laundry. About half the time there is some jackass camping out by the washer counting the minutes for it to get done so that they can pull out my clothes the second the machine shuts off and then put them on something dirty.
Well, I was relaying this very tale to a coworker this weekend who came up with a solution so brilliant in it's simplicity that I can't believe I've never thought of it before. He said I need to find a girlfriend with a washer and dryer so I can spend time with her while I do my laundry and kill two birds with one stone. So if anyone knows a nice girl with a washer and dryer, send her my way.

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