For those of you who have been waiting over a decade for Spinal Tap to break their silence and release a new album, wait no longer. The album Back From The Dead doesn't really feature any new songs but instead contains 'reimagined' versions of their songs. But wait, there's more! For an investment of a mere $11 (from Amazon) you also get a DVD with over an hour of side splittingly funny (or so they claim) video content. It's a value you can't pass up.
Download the new song
Saucy Jack here. From lead singer David St Hubbins critically acclaimed rock opera about the life of Jack the Ripper, this
is a new albeit short song. But what do you expect for free? Tap is all about providing value for your entertainment dollar. Also, if you plan on being in the London area don't miss out on their one night only world tour. It is not to be missed.
It's moments of awesomely valuable information like this that make it worth reading your blog daily...and not killing you daily. ;) Get thee to an Amazon.comery! :D
If I can keep just one person from getting any work done for a few minutes, then my blog will not have been in vain.
My new slogan: Craw Fu - wasting valuable time since 2006.
Also it should be known that I placed my order for the new Spinal Tap CD last night, along with the 3 disc special edition of the new Dream Theater album Black Clouds & Silver Linings. Reviews are imminent.
It should also be known that This Is Spinal Tap is now available on Blu Ray, so if any Tap fans out there own, say, a PS3, they should pick it up immediately.
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