Monday, June 29, 2009

Hate Fireworks?

Then you're like this douchebag who is suing the city of Seattle to stop the annual firework display over Lake Union. Ignoring decades of aggregate data showing no side effects, he claims that the city needs to do an environmental impact study to find out how many little fishies are being hurt by the fallout. And just so he doesn't come off as too much of an ass, he throws in some fake concern for the viewers who will be at Gas Works Park. Never mind the fact that anyone concerned about their health could very easily not go to the Park.

I assume that if the reporter had done a little digging, he would have found that the real issue is that he doesn't like the crowds around his home on the 4th, or perhaps the noise bothers him, or some other petty issue. Frankly it just nauseates me when people decide to abuse the legal system for their own pet peeves. This will waste thousands of taxpayer dollars and countless hours because this man wants to force his will on the overwhelming majority who disagree with him. Litigation has become the last vestige of the pouty loser who has to have his own way.

I hope that some judge has the balls to throw out this case as unmerited, but frankly I wonder if it's time to counter sue or at the very least have some kind of repercussions for frivolous lawsuits. This is getting out of hand. And sadly in this part of the country we seem to be at the epicenter of this BS. One group repeatedly sued to stop construction of the monorail despite it being approved on 2 ballots. Another group is currently suing to squeeze some money out of the port authority under the guise of noise pollution despite already being compensated prior to it's construction. At least the guy who sued to stop the construction of Safeco Field could cite that voters rejected it. Enough is enough.

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