Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Breaking The Sound Barrier

Papa Roach - I Almost Told You That I Loved You
Papa Roach first got my attention with their song Last Resort and officially hooked me with Between Angels and Insects. Despite the stupid band name and the lead singer who couldn't sing, I still found myself enjoying the catchy guitar work and meaningful lyrics. After some early success, they couldn't have followed the path of so many other young bands and partied until they had spent all of their money and wound up in rehab, then putting out a mediocre album or two to try to capitalize on their previous success. Instead, fast forward 9 years and they have worked hard to refine their craft. Jacoby Shaddix has even learned to carry a tune and does an admirable job on many of the songs.
Long story short, Metamorphosis has 3 good songs - Hollywood Whore, I Almost Told You That I Loved You, and Lifeline - along with a handful of ok songs. Not a memorable album, but they are showing progress as musicians, and it was worth the $8.99 to download the whole thing from Amazon.
Hot For Teacher

Monday, June 29, 2009
Hate Fireworks?
I assume that if the reporter had done a little digging, he would have found that the real issue is that he doesn't like the crowds around his home on the 4th, or perhaps the noise bothers him, or some other petty issue. Frankly it just nauseates me when people decide to abuse the legal system for their own pet peeves. This will waste thousands of taxpayer dollars and countless hours because this man wants to force his will on the overwhelming majority who disagree with him. Litigation has become the last vestige of the pouty loser who has to have his own way.
I hope that some judge has the balls to throw out this case as unmerited, but frankly I wonder if it's time to counter sue or at the very least have some kind of repercussions for frivolous lawsuits. This is getting out of hand. And sadly in this part of the country we seem to be at the epicenter of this BS. One group repeatedly sued to stop construction of the monorail despite it being approved on 2 ballots. Another group is currently suing to squeeze some money out of the port authority under the guise of noise pollution despite already being compensated prior to it's construction. At least the guy who sued to stop the construction of Safeco Field could cite that voters rejected it. Enough is enough.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
More Saucy Jack
Next you will be shov'n her down the hall to Hades
Now those are quality lyrics. You wouldn't normally expect that level of sophistacation from the loudest band on earth.
In other news, I've been struck with another brilliant idea. Well, brilliant may be a bit much, but I've had worse ideas. This one is for a doggy day car called Master of Puppies. Metallica music will be played for all the dogs. Some legal hurdles may need to be cleared to make this one a reality.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Side Effects
Here is the complete staggering list:
Coordination problems
Weight gain
Dry mouth
Accidental injury
Shakiness (tremors)
Memory loss, problems concentrating, or slow thinking
Speech problems
Increased appetite
Problems walking
A spinning sensation (vertigo)
Chest pain
Unexplained pleasant or happy feelings (euphoria)
Back pain
Bladder control problems
Flu-like symptoms (such as body aches and chills)
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
Feeling abnormal or drunk
Sinus infections
Joint pain
Muscle spasms
Signs of congestive heart failure, including difficulty breathing and water retention or swelling (especially in the hands, legs, or feet)
Unusual bruising or bleeding
An irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
Any vision changes, including blurred vision or double vision
A need to take more Lyrica than prescribed, especially if you think you may be dependent or addicted to Lyrica
Unexplained muscle pain or weakness, especially if accompanied by a fever and fatigue
Anxiety or confusion
Signs of an allergic reaction, including unexplained rash, hives, itching, and unexplained swelling
Suicidal thinking or behavior
Sensitivity to the sun
A stiff neck
Canker sores
Hair loss
Dry skin
Dry eyes
Taste changes
Kidney stones
Menstrual problems
Punch Out
Friday, June 26, 2009
It's Over
This coming week I have a half hour (to start with) scheduled at the batting cages on Saturday, a tennis match and a softball game on Sunday, a beach volleyball game down at Alki on Monday, and am hoping to get out to the driving range at some point during the week. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday too, but that doesn't go under the enjoyable category. Last but not least, I have a few days set aside on and around the 4th of July to visit some relatives in lovely Suquamish where I can obtain and legally discharge some quality explosives and rockets, not to mention eat my fill of BBQ and pie. Along the way I also plan on sneaking a trip or two to the dojo into the schedule to do some fighting. I have to tell you, I don't know of a better outlet for pent up frustrations quite like blowing sh!t up and/or punching something or someone. I'm also going on the record now and saying that I'm open to any other entertainment or recreation options that anyone sees fit to include me in, so long as they are legal, or at the very least fit into the grey area of legality. God willing, I'll finally have the time and energy to clean up this pig sty I call home too.
I'll finish this by saying that over the last couple days Joe Satriani has gotten me through the week. I've had I Believe stuck in my head, and getting home today and cranking it up just makes me feel good. I don't know if it makes me a crotchety old man for whom things were always better back in the day, but I really miss the old Satch. I had high hopes for Chickenfoot, his new band featuring Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony of Van Halen fame and the drummer whose name I don't know from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but after purchasing the album I'm a little disappointed. Oh Yeah is a very catchy, but the rest of the album is pretty flat. It's just kind of lifeless, it feels kind of like they just threw a handful of songs together over a 3 day weekend and it feels like they were just going through the motions in the recording studio. Anyway, here is I Believe to fill you with hope. Just remember that Joe is known for his guitar playing, not his video making, or his singing for that matter although I actually think he did a good job with the vocals on this one.
Rules For Staying Young
1. "Avoid fried meats which angry up the blood."
2. "If your stomach disputes you, lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts."
3. "Keep the juices flowing by jangling around gently as you move."
4. "Go very light on the vices, such as carrying on in society—the social ramble ain't restful."
5. "Avoid running at all times."
6. "And don't look back—something might be gaining on you."
Giving up fried meats will be difficult, but hopefully I can successfully make the transition over to BBQ. As is I don't eat that many fried meats, but something is definitely angrying up my blood so maybe there is an additional culprit in my diet somewhere. Some have claimed that caffeine is to blame, but those people have all been killed.
My stomach doesn't often dispute me, but when it has I've always pacified it with Tums. I'll give cool thoughts a try next time but I'm not sure how effective it will be.
I'm not entirely sure how to jangle, but hopefully there is a video on youtube with explicit instructions on exactly how to go about this. I'd like to make some guesses on how to jangle about but honestly I don't know where to begin. My inability to jangle may be what puts me in an early grave and my tombstone will read, "here lies Scott because he was unable to jangle."
Numbers 4 and 5 are not a problem for me. Luckily my crippling anti-social behavior keeps me from the social ramble and my laziness and general hatred of running keep me from that vice. Which brings me to number 6. Due to my paranoia, I naturally assume that something or someone is gaining on me. I have my doubts that not looking back will remedy that. And to quote Richard Nixon, "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you." At least I think it was Nixon that said that, correct me if I'm wrong.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Useless Trivia
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Saucy Jack

Download the new song Saucy Jack here. From lead singer David St Hubbins critically acclaimed rock opera about the life of Jack the Ripper, this is a new albeit short song. But what do you expect for free? Tap is all about providing value for your entertainment dollar. Also, if you plan on being in the London area don't miss out on their one night only world tour. It is not to be missed.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Henry Poole Is Here

Luke Wilson plays the titular Henry Poole, a depressed man who buys a house in a bad neighborhood, planning on drinking away the last days of his miserable life in solitude. When a stereotypical Catholic neighbor sees the face of Jesus in a stain on the side of his house from a bad stucco job, she sees a miracle and he finds his solitude continually interrupted by holy rollers. You can easily guess where it goes from there.
This is supposed to be a movie about faith and hope, but is really a contrived perpetuation of stereotypes. The stereotypical religious nuts who want to see a miracle. The stereotypical atheist who is angry at God because of some bad events in his life and thinks of the religious people as fools. The stereotypical single mom next door who just needs some attention and to feel loved. There is really nothing of substance in this film.
The deal breaker for me, however, is centered around the image of Jesus mysteriously appearing on a wall. I certainly believe in God and miracles, but the notion of Him or anyone else appearing on a wall, a tortilla, a cheese sandwich, or anywhere else is preposterous and I found it very difficult to sit through. It's idolatry, plain and simple. What is more absurd and pathetic than a group of people gathering around and worshipping an inanimate object, hoping it will solve all of their problems? And this film just propagates that fabrication. It really made the movie almost unwatchable for me. Stay away from this one.
Black Sheep

Black Sheep at it's heart is a treatise on the dangers of genetic engineering. For you see, the movie revolves around Henry Oldfield - a young man who has an irrational fear of sheep after some childhood trauma growing up on his family's New Zealand ranch. He returns home after several years to sign over his half of the estate to his brother, who unbeknownst to Henry has created a new breed of sheep with the help of a few top geneticists. As you may have guessed, carnage ensues.
As it turns out, this movie was awful. And not even better than awesome awful, the bad awful. The story was poorly written with bad lines liberally spread throughout the script. There was plenty of low brow humor of both the flatulence and the having sex with sheep (the WSU special as it's usually referred to) genre. Knowing it is a low budget film, I wasn't expecting great special effects, and I wasn't disappointed. In fact, several of the scenes are so poorly lit that you can't really see what's going on. And while I was by no means expecting Shakespearean actors, a few of the guys playing substantial roles were abysmal. Worst of all, the plot was very contrived and full of holes.
In my opinion, this movie was just about as bad as they come, however, it is not without it's audience. Throughout I couldn't help but be reminded of some cult classics I've seen like Re-Animator and the Peter Jackson opus Dead Alive. Fans of low budget horror films full of blood and guts and bad jokes should like this one as well. I find them quite tedious.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Today's Mildly Interesting Anecdote
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
R.I.P. Bob Bogle
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Monday, June 15, 2009
Klingon Pimp

Once this idea takes off, I have plans to expand to medieval fair attendees and World of Warcraft players. I'm having business cards printed up right now.
Business Idea
Friday, June 12, 2009
Crayon Juice
Knowing that no one would believe me if I tried to tell them that such a product existed, I took a picture for posterity. I knew that any attempt to try to convince someone I wasn't making it up would be met with mockery and derision. I can't go through life with any more mockery than I already face on a day to day basis.
And yet I must admit that several hours later, it still haunts me. How is such a product possible? Who would buy it? I think I would rather drink some of that vile V-8 than anything crayon flavored. And assuming it is not actually crayon flavored, why would any company think that it is a good marketing ploy to invoke the image of something inedible (unless you're The Chuckman) for a food product? Even Velveeta is smart enough not to market itself as plastic flavored cheese, even though that's what it is. At this point I just hope I don't lose too much sleep trying to come to terms with this.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Miscellaneous Roundup
On to the MLB draft. The Mariners incompetence last year in not even being able to lose enough games to net the top pick caused them to miss out on the one player I've heard of - Steven Strasburg. And instead of sticking to their usual tradition of taking a starting pitcher in the hopes of converting him to a middle reliever, taking a catcher that they hope to either trade or turn into a DH, or taking a SS to convert into an out fielder, they tried a different tactic. They took outfielder Dustin Ackley in the hopes of turning him into a 1B or 2B. I don't know much about him, but what I've read sounds promising. Some scouts think he has the stuff to suit up for the M's tomorrow and be reasonably productive for the remainder of the season. Rumor has it we won't see him in the bigs this year though.
Finally, some really exciting news. Futurama is back!!!! After 4 direct to DVD feature length movies which were, to be completely honest, pretty mediocre (with the exception being Bender's Game which I thought was well done) Comedy Central has signed a deal to create 26 new half hour episodes beginning in mid 2010. I officially can't wait. As big a fan as I am of the series, the movies were a bit disappointing and I think that the format was not a good fit for the series. I think the half hour episodes will give us a return of the quality I had come to expect from the series. Now if we can just get some network to bring back Pushing Daisies and Arrested Development....
Sunday, June 07, 2009
My New Catch Phrase
I had planned on writing a brilliant, well thought out piece on Shakespeare here, but after spending an hour writing what turned out to be a pretty awful movie review, I've decided that my brain isn't capable of the rational thought required for such a thing at the moment so that will have to wait for another day. Instead I will share some poorly conceived nonsense. I really don't speak any Spanish, other than learning some rather useless things like food names and phrases like please remain seated. Thank you Disneyland for repeating that over and over in both English and Spanish in the interminably long Matterhorn line. Sadly I have no idea how to spell it. Anyway, after seeing the above clip my new favorite saying is, "usted baila como un hombre que vive como mujer."
And just to add a little more interest, today's useless trivia revolves around the etymology of the word trivia itself. It is derived from the Latin for three roads. Had I known this earlier, I think I may have called my blog The Three Ways instead. The more I think about it, the more appropriate this name seems since, according to Wikipedia, the place where three roads meet (an intersection or street corner) suggests that which is commonplace and vulgar - two of my defining characteristics. The true gem gleaned from Wiki though is the quote from two Columbia University students who popularized the current usage of the word and criticized practitioners who were "indiscriminate enough to confuse the flower of Trivia with the weed of minutiae." How profound.
The etymology of the word trivia seems to start with Latin tri- = "three", and via = "way", "road", thus trivium, which has been treated in three ways:
Where three roads meet, especially as a place of public resort. The Latin adjective triviālis, derived from trivium, thus meant "appropriate to the street corner, commonplace, vulgar." The first known usage of the word "trivial" in Modern English is from 1589; it was used with a sense identical to that of triviālis. Shortly after that trivial is recorded in the sense most familiar to us: "of little importance or significance." Gradually, the word trivia came to be used in English for what in Latin would have called "triviālia", for anything information or concern which is treated as everyday and unimportant.
The Three Ways (first known used in English in a work from 1432–1450). This work mentions the "arte trivialle", referring to the trivium, which was the three Artes Liberales (Liberal Arts) that were taught first in medieval universities, namely grammar, rhetoric, and logic. (The other four Liberal Arts were the quadrivium, namely arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy, which were more challenging.) Hence, trivial in this sense would have meant "of interest only to an undergraduate".
The Roman courier network Cursus publicus which was set up by Emperor Augustus. Messengers traveled the Roman Empire taking messengers from one province to the next. At crossroads notice boards would display gossip or news from Rome....hence 'trivia'. This is where the term trivia comes from 'tri' 'via' means 'three roads'.
The word trivia was popularized in its current meaning in the 1960s by Columbia University students Ed Goodgold and Dan Carlinsky, who created the earliest inter-collegiate quiz bowls that tested culturally significant yet ultimately unimportant facts, which they dubbed "trivia contests". The first book treating trivia of this universal sort was Trivia (Dell, 1966) by Goodgold and Carlinsky, which achieved a ranking on the New York Times best seller list; the book was an extension of the pair's Columbia contests and was followed by other Goodgold and Carlinsky trivia titles. In their second book, More Trivial Trivia, the authors criticized practitioners who were "indiscriminate enough to confuse the flower of Trivia with the weed of minutiae"; Trivia, they wrote, "is concerned with tugging at heartstrings," while minutiae deals with such unevocative questions as "Which state is the largest consumer of Jell-O?" But over the years the word has come to refer to obscure and arcane bits of dry knowledge as well as nostalgic remembrances of pop culture.
Tell No One

Tell No One is a cerebral mystery for those looking for something a little different. Following a romantic evening at a lake, Alex Beck's wife is murdered and he is beaten unconscious with a bat and left in a coma. Flash forward 8 years, and police begin questioning Alex about the circumstances of his wife's death and he also receives some mysterious emails causing him to wonder what really happened that night and if his wife really is dead.
The script is compelling and every time I thought I knew what was going on, another piece of information is revealed, changing everything. And yet the plot twists never get overbearing or bog down the plot. It is captivating from beginning to end. It is a little confusing early on but the story unfolds as Alex unravels the mysterious circumstances while running from police who now consider him a suspect. It is never boring and if you stick with it you will be rewarded.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Useless Trivia
Friday, June 05, 2009
National Donut Day

Thursday, June 04, 2009
Dumb People
And apart from this one specific observation, consider the disparity in decibel level between a professional wrestling match and a Pulitzer prize ceremony. Or who is more likely to be seen shouting, "woooo" at the top of his lungs, a Nobel laureate or a NASCAR fan? Which get's me off on a momentary tangent: if there is one word I would like to see stricken from the English language it is 'woo'. Nothing else quite so poignantly declares to the world that you are an idiot like screaming 'woo'. And please feel free to punch the next person you hear that from. Hard.
Back to the issue at hand. Is this due to a malfunction filter - the part of the brain that allows you to think about what you say before you actually say it? Are those with lower IQ's more likely to find themselves in noisy environs which effect their hearing and they just don't know how loud they are? Have they evolved enough socially that they are unconcerned about the opinions of others to the extent that they have no qualms about shouting, "git er done!"
Whatever the reason, I propose that someone invent a device that can be distributed in trailer parks nationwide which, when affixed, will not only lower the volume by a minimum of 25% (it should be adjustable), but turn all words into the muffled trombone sound made by any adult in a Peanuts cartoon. "Wha wha wha wha wha." I see no down side in this solution and the sooner it is implemented, the better.
This public service announcement has been brought to you by the Craw Fu Corporation - provider of equitable solutions to the world's problems.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
National Champs
Watch the highlights here.