Monday, August 02, 2010

Initial Diagnosis

I just got home from the orthopedist.  I haven't had an MRI yet, but after poking at me, bending and twisting my knee, and generally doing things to make me hurt, he told me that I have a completely torn ACL and MCL.  There may be damage to the cartilage and meniscus too but I won't know for sure until after the MRI.  So it looks like surgery for me later this week followed by a few months of rehab.  If all goes well in 6 months I might be able to start running again.  All in all, it's a worse diagnosis than I had expected, but the good news is that they gave me a brace which is way more comfortable and which allows me to bend my knee.  It also means I can now reach my toes and will be able to tie my shoes, drive, etc.

In completely unrelated news, a new study in monkey antagonism has found that monkeys hate flying squirrels.  The report from prominent monkey annoyance experts could pave the way for advanced methods of enraging monkeys.  I am currently enraged at my high school guidance counselor for not informing me that this is a field I could have gone into.  I guess this is why they will eventually rise up and enslave humanity as foretold in Planet of the Apes.


Lyndsay said...

You'll be able to drive even though it's your driving leg? Wow...just the thought of pushing on the brake petal sounds painful. So obviously you are going to be off work for a while. Man this whole thing sucks!

On a side note...I was watching Discovery channel last night and thought of you because of Shark Week.

Lauri Ott said...

Before you get too discouraged remember that Patrick also had a torn ACL. He was able to come back OK too. It took him awhile to recover, but he was able to play high school soccer again. The treatment today is much superior than it was 20-years ago so keep that in mind.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if you need any help or whatever.

Aunti Lauri

The Chuckman said...

Sounds like I'm the only "CL" you have left.

Your peep: Charles Liotta.

Unknown said...

Well Charles, here's hoping that you don't get torn in half any time soon.

The Chuckman said...

Wow, that my literally be the nicest thing you've ever said to me. :p