Saturday, January 08, 2011


Last night I dreamt that someone had put all of my socks in my underwear drawer and all of my underwear in my sock drawer.  This made me very angry until I awoke, remembered that I keep my socks and underwear in the same drawer, then went back to sleep. 

This dream is now officially open to interpretation.  Is it about a lack of control over my life that my subconscious is concerned about?  Does it mean that deep down I don't feel that delicates are given the proper respect in today's society?  Discuss:


Pat said...

Why would you get angry if your socks were in your underwear drawer or vice versa?

Maybe that's the part of the dream you subconscious is trying to sort out. Maybe it's about your subconscious wanting you to relax more about things?

Unknown said...

That's part of the analysis that you were supposed to figure out. Conscious me couldn't care less.

Lauri Ott said...

At least you have your sox and underwear in a drawer and not strewn all over your apartment. What about them Seahawks?
