Monday, March 10, 2008

Dream Analysis

For the record, I rarely remember any of my dreams, but last night was a strange one. Possibly brought on by daylight savings time messing with my sleep schedule, possibly not. But I now find myself in need of some analysis, and so I'm calling on all of the dream experts out there.

This dream took place at my grandparents house. They have been dead for several years and the house is long sold, so I'm not sure why I was there. I was sitting on the front porch with someone, I don't remember who, when I looked up in the south western sky and saw a low flying stealth bomber. The plane made an attempt to circle around before crashing into the house across the street. I ran inside to tell someone they had to come out and take a look at it, and when I got outside, it had shrunk down to about the size of a car. Flames and smoke still coming out of it, a hatch opened, and an alien came running down the ramp from the hatch. This particular alien looked just like a spider, and when it saw me, ran full speed straight at me, jumped and landed square on my face. Naturally I began frantically swatting it away, and even after I was sure it wasn't on my face anymore, kept wiping my face. That's when I woke up.

So is this some kind of fear of aliens? Fear of spiders? Fear of stealth bombers? Fear of something else? What can it all mean? Or does it not mean anything? Do all dreams have meanings, or are some just weird dreams. Come to think of it, I did watch Spiderman 3 the night before. Perhaps that had something to do with it.


Anonymous said...

I think your grandparents house is a metaphor for service operations. The stealth bomber is DSS. So I suppose that means the alien is Paula Reynolds.

Anonymous said...

I remember being pretty young and watching the planes take off and land off of Grandma and Grandpa's back deck. Grandma used to get a big kick out of us wanting to watch the planes. They'd come like every 5 minutes or so and we'd just watch them land. So I can see how you get the image of a plane.....

Spiders... You big panzy. Now if it was snakes, or aliens with ray guns or something like that, now you're talking. May just have been something on your face that was bugging you, and it got put into your dream. :)

Unknown said...

Well Mr Molitor, that's an interesting interpretation. Let me just state for the record that I would much rather have an alien spider on my face than Paula Reynolds though.

Lyndsay said...

You know they say you eat like 8 spiders in the middle of the night during your lifetime because they just crawl in your mouth. Maybe that's what happened that night! Gross to think about though!

Unknown said...

Well, at least they're high in protein.